Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

That’s the number of posts I’ve made, not the number of posts I’ve read.

I hope that clears it up for you :slight_smile:

I don’t know if I agree that anyone needs it the most, but I guess what I’d say is who cares? There are two types of rewards here: the ones that directly affect performance (gear/upgrades) and those that don’t (titles, mounts). Who cares if people want the gear rewards to be equal or even closer to equal? What I mean is: it’s not like they’re asking for a special advantage, even though people tend to love their advantages.


You say that now. Just wait till I have a 9 second Tree, every 45 seconds, with a 1 minute convoke.


It probably doesn’t, that guy gets triggered fairly easily :slight_smile:

Yeah you’re right. But it’s the combination of everything. Tier sets, double legendaries, gear gaps…what a mess, lol.

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This statement is so true…


People who would be fine about an Olympic runner being matched up against high schoolers without shoes?


That actually would be great! Its like legion but still rewards gear and makes having gear a edge still but not as massive as someone just coming into or back to the game. They also just did this for solo shuffle if i saw that correctly.

I concluded the only winning move was not to play. Sub runs out in 5 days.


Excellent post. Very well said and true.

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I can’t stomach playing another season of this type of gear progression.

I hate gear progression, I want it gone. I’d gladly pay my sub if I can just play the damn game like I did in legion and BFA where I could jump into casual pvp at a moment’s notice and feel like I was well equipped enough to do well.

I’ve been a career duelist this expansion, it’s been a cool experience but deep down I only did it so I can simulate what I had in legion (wod and mop too I suppose) with reaching stat cap and just bg’ing & world pvping. My friend’s list has become far too much of a revolving door to regularly look forward to rated pvp at this point too.

God I’ve barely played 9.2, I have 0 clue if everything outside of pvp is good or not but when I consider the ABSOLUTE CHORE AND TIMESINK that is chasing duelist again (especially as it gets harder the more i put it off) the more I just get repelled by the game.

Get rid of gear progression, I don’t care about precedent. I’m frustrated honestly, casual pvp kept my sub running through BFA (which was another troubled expansion)


It’s not a question of honor, but conquest.

i mean we’re not getting what we want so we aren’t gonna shut up until blizzard quits being stubborn and gives us our bc-wod gearing system back.

we get crap versions of what we want which is why we don’t shut up.


“10.0 will fix it” ™

Brian Holinka said “It feels great when you finally fill that Conquest bar.” So that tells you all you need to know how incompetent people they have at the helm.


Holinka said that Ashran was a huge success in WoD because everyone was playing it. xD

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Things wont change this xpac, pvp will remain a sh1tshow. It’s never been this bad, gear disparity ruined it for me. I just hope they change it in 10.0, nobody’s liking it and people have been complaining about the same thing for a long time now.


If that is a true quote, then he is right. It actually was a huge success a the time.

True. You could get a full honor set in just a few hours playtime. There were even vendors inside so you didn’t have to leave the instance. WoD had issues, but it was the peak of WoW PvP in my opinion.


no i wont stop complaining about gear , what best gear is that ? o right the ones where i have to do rated to get the purple bis gear slots