Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

just wait until your farmed in normal bgs by premades with double legos and tier sets ill will be unsubed until 10.0.

i remember how bad 8.3 bfa was with corruptions this will be much worse…lol.


Whatever you say Putin

Oh wait Im not in Russia so I can have say - and I say your Titan Cck ring would be immensely too large to provide any benefit to your tiny head.

Also, this is posted under battlegrounds… not rated. So please explain how my lack of rated play is relevant? Nevermind - pls dont.


Casual pvp is dead for the rest of Shadowlands. It will remain to be seen if they care enough to try to bring it back next expansion.

Or if by then anyone still cares.


Well stated, and it’s sad how the contradiction of “lesser players” not deserving to “have a chance” against “better players” without factoring in context, where and how they play the game. Quite often the projection also ignores that the game has PVP outside of the arena box and there’s a pretty large chunk of fellers who enjoy that aspect and can do quite well if things were somewhat less geary.

Though, not according the “git gud” team haha :slight_smile:


It’s like people telling you that if you want to be a runner, you have to buy running shoes instead of those walmart sneakers. So you go to the store and buy those shoes. There isn’t a mass of olympic athletes waiting to kill you to prevent you from getting those shoes, who will be getting speed boosts for killing you.

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all blizzard really had to do is raise bg ilvl a bit more most players wont even get past 1500-1600 thats where the boosting starts and thats only 13 ilvls from bg max cap.

it should be 10 ilvls apart from the max gear any way but the are to many ranks.

With what a complete flop this was last season, we have to wonder why it would be designed the same way+ again.
If participation and population are suffering, there must be other motives behind it.
After all this is a business.


They are convinced that the reward for playing the game right, for playing like 2 full-time jobs and having enough elite friends who do too, should be unimaginable power. Nothing else matters as long as the top players get that. They can’t even see unrated players leaving, because it doesn’t fit neatly into their narrative. Perhaps they are still convinced that nobody would ever leave the game because they are all too addicted. Odd how only very recently forum trolls stopped telling us that.

They do seem to feel that the worse the experience of players on the bottom, the more inspired they will be to put in whatever it takes to reach the top.

Perhaps they think noobs will buy tokens, when it’s in fact the people who are already partway to their goals who see that as an advantage.


i dont want to interupt all the hand wringing but id like to point out the changes to gladiators distinction buff from vers to mainstat/stam(same amount at every rank) players can have a bit more customization in regards to on use dps trinkets. its only like 7k hit points difference without the set buff.

How ridiculously drastic of a difference of power level between 226 (starting with catchup anima gear) and 285. Literally 50k+ HP between the two and 10 times the damage output. If they’re going to have so many different modifiers from so many systems (conduits, soulbinds, legendaries, covenant abilities, pvp talents, regular talents, gear stats, etc) they need to squish the ilvl gap back to where it used to be.

Full BG gear from wrath S5 was ilvl 200
Full Arena gear from wrath S5 was ilvl 213

The arena gear had around ~20% more stamina. So if a person with 20k HP would be full BG gear… a person would be 24k HP in full arena gear.

The difference wasn’t negligible. It gave a bit of an advantage… But it also meant that the player in the BG gear was able to have a chance.

This ilvl gap is so insane, I’m honestly wondering why people pvp at all anymore. These devs have absolutely no clue how to keep people engaged. Without casuals, the game dies. People are starting to see this unfortunately. Let’s hope they change it sooner than later.


Rewards do not have to be tied to making the gap between winner and contender so large it becomes unplayable. In pro sports they don’t award a larger soccer goal for the winners, nor do they offer a wider bat to the winning team; the winning wide receivers do not get super-stickem gloves.

The rings, the money and the titles are the rewards.


This sort of reaction seems like a “projection” and more about these types of posters simply “feeling gud” by insulting people devoid of context and logic.

Why would anyone with an objective mind about PVP figure those “better at arena” would deserve to win “not arena” PVP by gear default?

Also there are probably hunters out there that don’t join the army or competitions that are amazing, but choose to live in the wilderness in a log cabin in the woods somewhere :slight_smile:

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I am not sure to whom your are targeting this response.

My "cabin"is actually across the street from “the woods”, and my “wagon” is a 4WD Jeep.

I do not have one arena match, but I have fared mediocre in rated bullyfests. I do not believe rewards should decide who wins and loses matches, period. Think of the old “bring a knife to a gunfight” analogy, it fits.

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Easy there comprehension-king I was referring to the quoted text in your message and was bromancing with you as I actually 100% agree with you so no need for the real life flexing or whatever that was :slight_smile:

Step back and read and absorb but I apologize anyway since I hadn’t realized it wouldn’t have been obvious since my posts are pretty much consistent with “the sad reality of how things are”.

Anyway take care!

I have had similar experiences hence my trying to be consistent with the use of quotes. I have also forgotten that sarcasm and tongue in cheek are pretty much worthless when typed out.

Let’s continue to agree on things :crazy_face: :clown_face:

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We all start with terrible gear! Everyone starts somewhere, so get your butt into bgs and farm your honour gear, just like everyone else did and the. Get your set and do arena!

Welcome Vetik. We needed a new fanboy in here, the other ones were getting old.


Where there’s a new negative nancy, we must always have a fanboy to achieve balance within the universe.

Speaking of the ones that were getting old :wink:


How can anything be “getting old” to someone with only 29 posts? Oh come now!