Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

This is incorrect. I don’t play rated myself but that is a personal choice that I made. Most of my pvp friends do it and they’re rolling along just fine.

The rating tied to gear comes at the expense of the spirit of the game and the fun of others. The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. Blizzard has built outlets for rated players that want to organize in a competitive experience and structure, there are clear ways to achieve that (Rated Arenas, Rated Battlegrounds, Wargames) - Players choosing Rated modes should not come at the expense of and tax normal players and normal modes. Rating tied to gear creates casualties to fun and is a casualty to “true Player vs Player” combat.

If you want organized PvP against organized opponents, that experience is readily available. It should not come at the cost of and create casualties among the normal Battlegrounds, Normal modes, and Normal Players.

Rating tied to gear, and the consequent “progression” arguments are a red herring.

So yes, Gedpriest, fairplay is both the base and pinnacle of a true Player vs Player combat system! Rating tied to gear and the argument of “progression” is a red herring.


While we want players to be able to jump into this new experience as soon as possible, a player with extremely low HP is quickly identified as an easy kill target

Fast forward a little bit to the near future, this is exactly how many characters will look in PVP environments. Facts.
Base Conquest gear vs Rated+. Honor Gear (2 weeks grind?) is even more obvious.
Might not be such a fun two weeks. :rofl:
Even after the grind it will work this way.

Outside of the cluster BGS, players will truly feel it.
Where it matters.

It’s really not that bad. All you have to do is play the game and you’ll be just fine.

The problem is just how much playing you have to do to get to the level where you are competitive. PvP gearing systems aside, there are other things you must do/grind to get to that level. I think that’s where a lot of the frustration comes from.

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Blizzard doesnt understand their game at all. Its not fun to grind gear out and the very next patch they might as well be greens. They do 30+ ilvls in every patch. It wasnt like that in Vanilla, BC, Wrath, even Cata. They need to go back to how they used to raise ilvls back then.

This is a major part of the problem. ilvls should only be raised by 20 ilvls going from one patch to the next, at maximum. 15 ilvls would be ideal, but 20 is acceptable too. Then your gear wont instantly not matter the next patch.

They could do where Honor gear is 10-15 ilvls below Conquest gear. One tier, each set. Then on the next patch your conquest gear is not completely irrelevant and you can choose to grind honor gear if you fully previous season conquest for a minor advantage or just wait. Most people would do a mix, ie: melee would grab weapons for sure.

Instead they have ridiculous ilvl gaps between patches so the gear gaps between Honor and Conquest are also ridiculous and insurmountable.

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One answer: Ring of Titans. This is the future of arenas. Let’s get it boys. 0 Respect for the PvP community. I uninstalled the game because games should be fun, not a job. I want to participate in what I enjoy doing (arenas) without having to go through a series of events before being able to play on an even playing field. Dying in one global because someone has bigger gear and that stupid op trinket (new trinket that does 20k) isn’t fun.

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The least enjoyable games, in my limited experience, are the ones that are against teams that appear to be better geared, true, but also much better coordinated (in terms of targeting etc.) - premades, in other words. These are the teams that will wipe your entire team at the start of the game in the time it takes to pour a coffee in the morning and the final score on kills is something like 1:50. Sometimes you see a rated player with better gear blowing people apart left and right in an otherwise (mostly) equal game… but anyway, equalizing gear probably won’t help in the first case I mentioned.

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Honestly, there needs to be a reward system for players playing the game. Blizzard have implemented huge catch up mechanics, you can instantly geat to 226 ilvl now (via anima gear).

Honor is quick to earn, and you can quickly find yourself at 240+ (a day of solid playing).

You cant expect to be competitive when you put no time into the game. If you dont like it, then perhaps you should seek something new.

Yeah except in a month’s time when the high rated players are running around with full max rank conq gear 1 tapping players. Guarantee you will see an even bigger drop in PvP participation.

Remove the rating requirements, reduce rhe ilvl gap or give us some gear scaling.


Yep. Except, well, most of the “high rated” players you’ll see are in the 1000-1600ish range.

I imagine we’ll see this in 10.0 with rated solo shuffle, as that’s kind of their big chance. Maybe earlier with 9.2.5 but I wouldn’t really bet on it.

Yeah let’s fix it before the next expansion, we’ve prolonged the play time enough, gots da money, let them have it all.

It has been fairly even for a short time… it took me less than a week to be max out honor gear. If they are playing their main, then they should no doubt be maxed… if they are lvling an alt - what can you do? This is the time where things are the most even - I will be right there complaining in a a couple of weeks or whatever as my pvp gear is already capped because I do not do rated.

You don’t get to say anything, you barely stepped into an arena… ever. You’ve no idea what you’re talking about. PvP should always be equal. There’s no excuse (we’re in 2022) to make a game into a Job. Farming for gear is a job and we real Pvpers want to enjoy the game, grinding for gear takes the fun out of it. If you only play random bgs you don’t get to say what should or shouldn’t be done with the future of pvp.

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For everyone else looking for a relatively even WoW Arena experience try Ring of Titans. It’s on Beta but it will be big.

Checked out the game, looks like a SNES game.
It is on Steam, looked at the charts there too.
See those RPGS at the top?
Tough competition imo.

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Play the game, then talk to me.

Maybe I will give it a shot with some graphical upgrades.
The visuals just don’t do it for me.
Did you look at the competition? Pretty impressive for RPGs on Steam right?

Its locked behind rating to reward the players that actually grind arena rating and are good at it. Saying those players “need it most” proves the point again that you just want the same reward as the better player just so in your head it feels fair to you.

I get buddy, you don’t care about pvp being about skill, you don’t care about pvp encouraging higher participation, you don’t care that most of the ladder emptied out, and you don’t care that overall pvp participation is down tremendously

Slands is your happy spot and your totally fine being part of a tiny minority of pvp players that like it, and would cheerfully see declining participation continue to get worse

I get it.