Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

You changed it from a blatantly racial derogatory term to that.
I am sure a moderator can help you with your vacation, nobody deserves to see that in a video game.
Get some help.

We can help you earn your new name, “Zed” from Pulp Fiction. Anytime champ.
And that goes for everyone with you.

You went looking for something to pick, you don’t even know me so whatever I do is none of your business. Don’t make yourself look stupid making threats.

Feel like crawling back to ironforge without your gear?

For the record, (as moderators will see) a pet was using a very racial term.
I called it out last night, here and GD.
Now it is my name+

Good thing I saved the screenshots, which I will not post here.

  • I am sure Donflamingo (op) and many others can back this up.
    Such a disgraceful thing to do, racist.

Calling someone racist on the forums that is a complete stranger is one way to make yourself look very stupid. If you want to report me for a pet name that has probably been there since 2011 go ahead. Lmfao, don’t go looking for issues where there isn’t one.

If you have nothing to add to the conversation in the post then don’t post anything at all, all you have been doing is spamming on the forums.


You want to be famous, it will happen.
Nobody will stand for it. Wait and see.

This is a public forum T rated.
Check yourself.

I’m not sure you belong on a T rated forum then big truck.

You are a disgrace to this game period.
Let the real world have its way with you too.
Sad stuff.

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That’s what he does.

Careful who you align yourself with here man.
This person is not the one.

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Is he like a regular troll on the forums?

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Honor level 26 with 9, 9! Hks.
Hopefully they make a Deliverance remake so you can get a part.

He’s a hurdy gurr VIP :slight_smile: lol.


That term which the pet was named, would get an IP ban on any social media.
Just saying.

  1. posts on a throwaway alt with hidden profile
  2. never adds anything constructive to the topic being discussed
  3. is obsessed with stalking character profiles and forum postings

It’s literally all he does and he’s been doing that for a long time.

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Just remember what you are siding with.

I disagree. Ion worked hard to create a system with a maximum power gap as a reward for players who played the game right™, ie either playing like 2 full-time jobs with the right friends or paying for carries.


Gear disparity is just going to get worse as the weeks go by.


True. Right now is a great time to play since we’re all so close in power.

buddy the primary issue, although it is more than one, with pvp gearing is that it is literally impossible for most of the pvp playerbase to achieve ‘eventual similar gear’

they locked it behind rating which is like rewarding the players that need it least

a lot of players do like some progression but it feels pointless if you’re playing mythic geared players all day and will never be able to ‘progress’ to anything beyond normal gear that is two entire difficulty tiers and a buttload of borrowed power behind (borrowed power gaps easily increase the gap to 3-4 tiers of difficulty)

players are motivated by a sense of fairplay, even if they must grind to get there (grind length is another issue)

people like you always say these single issues as though there is nothing else tied into the entire problem, that that single issue doesn’t change based on the context