Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

Yup, this is exactly what’s been happening from legion forward

Honestly don’t see it changing much until Microsoft relieves the pressure for shareholder cash shop related metrics - if that ever happens

Basically guaranteed that the current management get bonuses based on cash shop performance


They can see it and do not care.


:joy: :joy: :joy: Yes, give everyone that has done absolutely no honor farming the same ilvl as the ones who have just because. Sounds pretty convenient and also have the great satisfaction of all that progression you made while gearing completely negated because you had the ilvl all along.

Imagine thinking people PvP to feel the satisfaction of gear progression lmao


Looking at your Onyxian Whelpling pet name, not too classy there pal.

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That isn’t the mindset of those who love pure random battlegrounds…That’s the mindset of rated players. The casual/random bg’rs might try out rated sometimes but the opposite can not be said for rated players: Y’all will always live in rated modes. Sounds like y’all need SOME kind of achievement because none of yall can reach gladiator legitly and need some pampering for your incremental insignificant steps by Blizz for your failures to achieve something proper. At least us casuals and random bg’rs are playing the game for its sole purpose: FUN.

Get rid of the crap. Who plays a fresh match of chess where your opponent starts out by replacing all pawns with queens? Real skill based…Keep crying for advantages nerds. Y’all are the ones asking for incremental participation trophies; we casuals are asking for an equal PLAYER VS PLAYER environment where skill should be the determining factor.

You want incremental participation trophies? go play PvE.


It’s not even the mindset of most rated players. I love arena and rbgs for the skill involved. Blizzard’s current gearing system has destroyed PvP across the board and the rated participation is reflecting that because nobody is playing. It’s an all around horrible design and it’s amazing these people still have a job.


Im talking when you go from having no gear and getting a few pieces and finally noticing that you’re actually doing damage. It’s a good feeling. Imagine thinking doing the same dungeon or raid over and over to finally get that one piece of gear is the only sense of progression players get from gearing in the game.

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No one is crying for advantages, their advantage is already and has always been that they are better at pvp than you. Lol, the only players that want

are the players that continually ask for the same rewards as players that do high end content and play at a high skill level. AKA you.

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I think this is is the “default” projection :slight_smile:

The only ones defending the gear gap seem to have this fantasy about most of us who simply want it to be competitive versus “free stuff” or whatever.

I get it since in a lot of cases they NEED the edge :slight_smile:


Most of the people complaining about it don’t even do arena, like ever. I always look at peoples pvp achievements and majority of the time they have like 2 arena achievements from like 2013 where they won a single arena match. So I don’t think anyone who does arena is worried about it being competitive.

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You’re right, I changed it for you.

Doesn’t that make sense to a a rocket scientist like yourself :slight_smile: ?

in BFA and before was pretty common to beat glads, etc. 1v1 or whatever in worlds and randoms. Now with the gear gap, that “usually, mathematically can’t happen” :slight_smile:

I suspect it’s more of a comfort / crutch scenario in other content so they can “win” easily versus anything else :slight_smile:


You aren’t beating any glad in a 1v1. You got 1550 in arena 8 years ago and you think people that are 2400+ need better gear to beat you. We can be honest here.

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Right. And you would know in the battleground forums blubbering about arena :slight_smile:

Lose the argument and have to attack the rating even they don’t play/enjoy rated. Typical as indicated :slight_smile:

At least I can beat that toon lol :slight_smile: Now keep blubbering nonsense since you seem to feel it’s appropriate for “better” pvpers to win anyway… by gear lol…we can be honest here.


No, he’s right. You’re the one that “blubbers nonsense” for your own entertainment. You’re a weak troll who barely plays the game.

Keyword being better, and the complaint is that those players that play rated have better gear, hence why its being talked about. The BETTER player will always win if your gear is completely the same. There were rogues and warlocks that would duel naked in the past and win because they are BETTER player.

You seem triggered / mad bro. Relax a bit and I apologize for upsetting you :slight_smile:

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Not at all. I actually feel very sorry for you.

I actually feel the same for you :slight_smile: