Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

Seriously though wod had gearing in pvp right and then they changed it because they wanted to be hip and cool with something new.


Right now you have no excuse. There’s no renown bs, you can get aspirant gear that is as good as last season’s duelist gear.

You’re just being lazy.


Typical response :slight_smile:

The “OR” factor is they don’t enjoy the “arguably” toxic rated game.


And in the forums people have been asking for this since mid to late Legion. Not as many of us now since a lot just gave up and left.


Stop blaming each other. :neutral_face:
I posted this months back.

That being said, a complete 180 to what is happening now will look so damn good on them.
Trust will rekindle imo.


If you join a community or guild that does these activities, you won’t see that. People respect each other.

Nice maybe ~4 weeks of good pvp every season under this model for casuals

At least it’s nice that you can climb with pretty much the same gear level as everyone else. In 9.1, the disparity was still huge. So I guess it’s a step in the right direction. Even if it’s certainly far from perfect. XD

Just a thought but what if regular bgs ran templates like in wod where all gear pretty much equaled out but in rated BGs gear matters?


blizzard knows they dont care they want the higher rated arena/rbg players to farm pugs for honor thats the system that they created.


Glad Galassin is in here talking sense. Keep preaching brother.

It’s not stupid to refuse to participate in bad game design.


Well if that’s how someone feels then they should just quit playing. Vote with your wallet. Maintaining a sub to complain on the forums doesn’t do anything.

It clearly does take effort though. It’s more effort than it takes for someone to get a new level to 60 and then queue into a BG. There’s thousands of people who do this, and whether you think they should or shouldn’t do this is irrelevant because they will. It means you will run into groups with people like this on them. With the current incredibly fast meta and the massive gap in stat budgeting in ilvls, these people are essentially blank spots on a team. They functionally don’t exist. They won’t even be able to get anything useful like a CC off. And whether or not you succeed in a BG is determined by who has less of these people on their team.

Also, as the season progresses, we will have the same problem as before where honor gear is trash and people who have their PVP tier will be king, and then the ilvl bonuses on top of that will continue to perpetuate a gap between the haves and the have nots and it just gets worse the longer the season goes on.


Unfortunately the monthly bill doesn’t differentiate between retail and classic.

you can alternatively vote with your wallet by voting for what you want rather than against what you don’t. you could pay for tokens and mounts for retail only. not that it matters, season of mastery basically puts classic on autopilot for blizz, they just need to sit there and count money.

SOM does do that. It’s a guaranteed sub for many who would have just quit otherwise.

Everyone started out at the same level with honor gear. If you can’t get 1600 to upgrade your 2 (AT THE MOST) pieces right now, then that’s on you.

Should be the opposite in random battleground is where people of all ilevels and power level should be able to play mythic raiders, heroic raiders, lfr players all to show off their gear

but in Rated gameplay, they should normalize the gear for everyone so it’s fair since in that instance its about competition and rating

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