Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

what exactly dont u believe? check honor lvl on the profile and u can see if there is a US main char on the account.

because the forum is more active

we play the same game with the same classes and the same tuning. how is the experience completely different?

well i dont often q random bg’s. but when i do i face quite some premades so im not sure if what u said is true.

ye w/e maybe ur right.

I don’t really care enough to look. Have you seen the sheer number of low post alts that post in the forum’s?

You know how you make them more active? By posting in them.

Have you seen the ladder over there? Or the arena teams in the awc compared to na? Completely different metas 90% of the time. The populations are also historically completely different (na=horde Eu=alliance).

Very different game over there. Particularly relevant to the conversation we are having.

If people are on I que arenas, if I’m on solo I do randoms. You’ll solo que into premades sometimes but the game tries to put premades against premades. As soon as I join up with one friend the number goes up. I don’t have any hard numbers for this unlike win rates. Definitely enough to notice though.

Even the complainers who have never done a single ranked game would come in with over 40% win rate. 50% +/- your contribution. Epics are a different beast but random BG’s are very even.

i have seen em ye and i dislike it as well. but on here i have no other option then posting on one myself since i dont have anything higher. here u go tho: Bic - Charakter (

i post much there but i also hang over here.

well i dont play at that level and most what is discussed in the forum here also meets the EU version the exact same.

im probably just traumatised from facing high ilvl premades with lowgeared people on my side back to back in s2. but ye maybe that was an EU thing at the time :wink: havent q’ed random since.

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There’s always gonna be similarities… But Eu is very different from na in most games honestly.

Like rocket League is super flat. Everyone has the same car and mechanics. Yet they have completely different playstyles. Ones ssuuuuuuppper bump heavy, others are passing and others are about solo plays. SA is all about being dumb aggressive. It’s quite interesting to watch. Always some overlap but still very different.

Eh… They’re just more traumatizing, so they’re easy to remember :rofl: also good chance you just had the casual premade on your team. Like I said, if I qued up with my casual friends in past expansions we lost more. We weren’t all in voice and it was more to fool around and do stupid stuff.

blizzard fixed it in dragonflight 1 honor set and 1 conquest set if you get your conquest set you will have the same gear as a rank 1 glad.

pvp in dragonflight wil lcome down to skill vs what ever broken fotm class is out.

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