GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

I think they’re pretty neutral honestly, as long as I can keep finding regular old MS>OS pugs idc what other people do lol.

Me and my 10g will just keep living.

Youre posting from a random level 70 with 30p posts. I could definitely make a level 70 with 300 posts MUCH quicker than I could make a new level 17 with 6000+ posts. Your main is more of a throw away than my “alt” and your argument is trash.

Try harder

A 70 best performance parse and 55 avg is not a high parsing player…

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like half his posts are criticizing people about what forum avatar they’re using, holy crap lol

You just gotta atop thinking of it like gold. Just think of the gold as gdkp or something… but a type of gdkp you can use across many different pugs and to purchase items etc. You gain points, you get gear, you lose points.

Its the same as any other system, the only difference is you always gain progress (in the form of gold) and that progress is always transferable.

As soon as someone attacks the avatar vs attacking the message they lose all cred because it means they have nothing left to say.

I agreed with the guy up til then.

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I don’t believe in DKP systems either, I only do /roll Ms>os

What an utterly soulless playstyle. I’m glad this cancer left Classic and rejoined it’s parent retail tumor.

I think youre shooting yourself in the foot there but of its what you like more power to you. Im generally for more choice not less

I just believe that’s the way game is meant to be played, fully random. No external “you have points you get this”

I think the devs and most players would almost certainly disagree with you there but again its your prerogative. If you wanna play HC and delete your character after dying you can do that too.

I highly doubt the ORIGINAL devs thought people would come up with convoluted systems to distribute loot.

But like I said, as long as the game doesn’t somehow force other systems, I got no issue with you or anyone who prefers them.

Why should anyone believe a person posting from a character not tied to their main? To anyone with critical thinking skills, a level 16 with 6k+ posts seems like more of a forum troll than anyone with genuine opinions.

Who says just because someone is posting on a 70 that’s their main? It’s a silly way to think of people talking on the forums.

GDKPs do not exist in Retail, but RMT does.

Well, of course you’re free to have your own opinion. GDKP is a fair loot system, imo, particularly because the rules are explicit, and players are free to join other groups if they would like, without being penalized. Of course, not all GDKP raids are run the same, so it’s possible for some to be fairer than others.

Something being theoretically possible does not make it the reason something exists.

Nice narrative you have going; very creative.

They implemented the badge system and tier tokens precisely to reduce the amount of randomness in obtaining loot. And its a pretty basic principle of game design… Players enjoy progression that is at least somewhat controllable if not entirely linear.

Showing up to a raid for 3 months and not getting a single drop just isnt fun and its a key reason why people quit.

They did prior to Personal loot.

I mean… boosting, basically a gdkp but you pay a single guild instead of a group.

That’s almost always the case. The worst offenders on this forum usually have 10k posts and do nothing but antagonize. But the moment you use that as your main argument for why they’re wrong, they will take it and run.

It’s hard, but I find it best to not engage with the worst of the worst.

Which just created an even worse system where guilds now pay people just to be warm bodies in raids so they can influence drop %

Top guilds have always done that.