GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Not before personal loot

It wasn’t as public, but they would still pay for people to come in so they could ML to mains.

Just as the race has gotten more public it’s started to cost more and more to do it.

PL is technically better for lower ranked guilds as they don’t have to deal with loot drama. Doesn’t mean I like it, but our Loot Master loved it when they forced it, less work for him.

You can always verify that I play this toon in warcraftlogs

Going to a restaurant… basically a gdkp.

Nah my friend, those are different things. Have you spent any time being involved in GDKP runs?

No, I don’t pay for gear.

GDKP = paying for gear
Boosting = paying for gear

Thay doesnt make any sense… Before pers loot if you had 25 people in raid or 1 person you got the same number of drops. With pers loot the more warm bodies in raid, the more drops you get… thus by paying randoms to just be in the raid they increase the number of total drops, thus increasing their chance for their desired items.

You still need people in the raid to do it, it’s not like split runs are a new thing. They paid people to come in to fill without loot.

GDKP = DKP that is fungible, and can be used in any other GDKP.

And? It’s still paying for gear, which I don’t agree with.

I used to have this horrible guild leader who would mysteriously bench people when their DKP caught up to his or a few others. It stunk, we moved on elsewhere.

No matter what anyone says gdkp prices are high. When I was doing it early in TBC pieces were going in the 1000’s. I doubt it’s gotten any cheaper. I don’t know where people get their gold from, but there’s no way it’s all gained legit.

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You don’t have to agree with it; you are welcome to join groups that use different systems. :slight_smile:

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I dont think you understand how top tier raiding works… But you did say you dont really raid so… :man_shrugging:

I raid all the time? Just not right now since I’m waiting for wrath.

And I paid a lot of attention to the high end scene back in the day, they might pay more gold now, but it was more degenerate back then. Paying for people to come in so they could funnel, piloting peoples characters, all sorts of crap.

I mean, I never said people shouldn’t be able to do it if they want.

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Fair enough, imo! I don’t see any problem with people having different preferences.

I mean its not rocket surgery mijo. Inflation is a thing. In the absence of gold sinks the money supply has steadily increased over the course of a year and since people already have flying mounts theyre left with little to spend it on.

Add in an element of supply and demand for items like DST which is the only reason anyone really runs Gruul anymore and its pretty basic economics.

I actually doubt many people are really buying gold these days. Its just too easy to get and used for too little to really make sense for anyone but the biggest whales really desperate to gear up an alt.

My 10 gold on my whole account begs to differ :stuck_out_tongue:
Granted, it’s my fault, i don’t use the AH to sell things.

Run a Gdkp. :grin::man_shrugging:

my man got jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

Tokens set the stage a long time ago. Classic drops and the convenience of sudden legit gold goes away. I can’t believe the I need it now so I’ll pay for gold mentality just vansished. Just look at any gold selling site, I was shocked at how easy it looks to get.

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