GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

lol, back to thinking a forum avatar invalidates someones opinion

Why would anyone pay for flasks? profession mats?

I’m willing to post my opinions on my main character because I stand behind what I say. If you have to hide behind a low level alt, that means you do not stand behind what you say and people should be cautious of your intentions.

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I mean, I don’t pay for those either. It’s called getting them yourself :stuck_out_tongue:



So every time you post anything about retail, you post on a retail toon right?

There have been Many Many Many posts on the benefits of gdkps… but Ill give you the cliff notes…

Gdkps allow greater investment from raiders amd encourages people to stay to the end instead of leaving when their item doesnt drop

Gdkps allow EVERYONE to get something from every run, and mean EVERYONE benefits from rare drops. Even if youre not a rogue you get excited when Glaives drop because it means a bigger pot. And if nothing you need drops you still bank some gold that you can put towards gear in a future gdkp (or consumes, enchants etc etc.) In a MS>OS run you just wasted your time.

Gdkps allow raids to incentivize raider performance with cuts and bonuses ensuring quick/smooth runs

I don’t play retail.

To me, that’s raiding, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

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But you say things about retail correct?

No, I have no posts in retail forums

Ok. Well my time is valuable and spending 2 hours in a raid to get a dice roll isnt that fun for me (or most people based on feedback.)

Doesnt matter what subsection of the forum it is. Ive seen you criticize retail before, on a level 70 classic toon.


Any time you speak about retail everyone should just disregard what you say right?

Plus… Im pretty sure somewhere around the 5000 post count it ceases to be an alt. Its not like Im making a new forum character everytime I have a new opinion.

Hes trying too hard.

Right. Im going to criticize the night elf starting zone… Let me log on my level 3 warrior so my opinion is rock solid. brb

I agreed with just about everything you’ve said, but not the forum alt issue. I used to post on my main. Then one day I disagreed with someone here on the forum and they felt to take the need for petty revenge and mailed about 1000 blacksmith hammers at 69 gold each to my main.

On one hand, it was funny, on the other it was a total PITA to deal with. Haven’t put my main or any other toon I actually use since.

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Now you are just lying, because I never even talk about retail besides retail up to WotLK/Cata in regards to Classic.

This discussion also doesn’t invalidate my point:
I’m posting on a main character because I stand behind my opinions. You, and others, post on low level alts because you do not stand behind your opinions. So people should be cautious of your intentions.

Which is fine, everyone is allowed their opinion on things.

It’s not like the game is changing to make GDKPs the only way to play.

If anything, Wrath is even easier to pug.

If someone wants to mail me 1k hammers instead of touching grass, that’s fine with me. I’ll get a good laugh at it then vendor the hammers.

gdkp runs attract the high parsing players whomst might not otherwise want to attend a raid which they get nothing from. Also I like money.

Sure. I personally think Gdkps are the best way to pug and are good for the game… but your mileage may vary. :man_shrugging: