GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Guilds still have their own loot system, you have some that are GDKP but the majority of them are still MS>OS or some form of loot council/dkp. GDKP is primarily a pugging system.

Gear is still random and handed out randomly to the highest bidder.

Just kinda curious, are you also against all other systems than /roll?

It’s weird how people defend GDKPs, a practice that clearly facilitates gold buying and p2w mechanics…it’s almost like they are the kind of people benefitting from GDKPs. These are not exaggerations or one offs. I see GDKPs happen multiple times per week that reach the 200k mark with regularity. I’ve watched people pay to gear characters up in a fraction of the time it has taken me to gear my main character in raids…because there is no loot competition or roll rng/prio in GDKPs, only the limit of your wallet.

Exhibit A) Pot Size 180k after administration fees

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By the fact that there is a bidder means it’s not handed out randomly.

Just how I believe the game is intended to be played, not funneling gear to a person or buying pieces with gold.

Like I said, it’s just a personal opinion. People can do whatever they want.

I know its just a personal opinion, not holding it against you.

Would you be cool if the only loot system in the game was personal loot?

No, I like to see loot on the corpse and roll for it, it’s part of raiding for me.

Retails loot fairies dropping it in my bag is no fun.

Gdkps are one of the reasons its still afloat. Youre not just wrong, youre exactly wrong.

Eh, i question that, guilds aren’t using GDKP for the most part (some likely are) and there’s a ton of guilds raid logging out there.

It gives loot completely randomly though right?

I don’t think GDPK killed classic, but I don’t think it’s good for the game either. If nothing else their existence puts a spotlight on how the community has changed for the worse.

It used to be that the good players would get better gear because they were good. Now anyone can get gold, gear, or arena ranking for a price. Judging from the gold websites a lot of people opt for the easy path. I don’t think bliz is doing enough to steer people away from that. GDPK being a major factor.

Personally, I’m not sure the community is worth saving.


Seeing loot on the corpse and rolling for it against your guildmates is part of the experience. I miss that in retail.

I agree, master loot should never have been restricted/gotten rid of.

There is hope, even if it’s slight :stuck_out_tongue:

No you don’t rofl. I do Gdkps many times weekly across all my characters and Ive seen a pot that big once. You just dont and youre clearly lying to push your point.

Try harder

Guilds will always raid log late in an expansion. Gdkps give people an outlet to gear their alts that they wouldnt normally have which leads to more people playing overall

I directly provided evidence of the kind of gold being tossed around, and you’re a level 16 trying to convince people GDKPs are good with no evidence. Who should people believe?

I’ve never had an issue just doing MS>OS raids on alts. Why would anyone WANT to pay for gear?

You directly provided evidence? When? By typing words? Yea… thats not how any of this works.

Try harder

Keeps all previous raids relevant throughout the expansion, which is funny cause one of the big complaints about Wrath is that the previous raids are rendered irrelevant when the next raid releases, yet GDKP gives reason for those older raids to be ran weekly.

Cant win with some people

Copy/paste the image link I provided. Try again.

Ok, tourist. I’ve never had issues in later phases on private servers finding a guild for progression. I participated in GDKP, but they’re not fun.

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