GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

You seem to be lost. This ain’t retail, and classic doesn’t have tokens.

As for “play the way they want to play” people go out of their way to exploit every loophole they can. Such is human nature, always seeking the path of least resistance. That doesn’t mean such behavior is good or healthy for the game, and in such cases, the company running it should step up and do their jobs. Sadly, blizzard has largely abandoned their responsibilities in favor of chasing $$$. They don’t ban bots because bots pay a sub as well, and they don’t ban gdkps like other mmos have, because they help create the demand for those bot account subscriptions.

And you are precisely what is wrong with this game. /spit


Yes I am just giving you an example.

People have bought gold since WoW was originally out its been in the game forever.

GDKPs are not a loop hole Gold trading is allowed its not against ToS only RMT is not allowed. Its way easier for me to go to a BT GDKP and outbid for a Zhardoom then rolling for it.

Your last comment with the /spit is just a sad excuse to show how toxic you are and think you know what is right.

Its an MMO people can play how they want we pay for this game its not free. Let the people play and if you dont like it dont let the door hit you on the way out.

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Manuredps brags about benefitting from GDKPs in other threads. It’s no use engaging them on the topic. They’ll gaslight and try to lie about it. As if people can’t see the Discords, or read the chat of GDKPs to understand the sums being traded for gear or that GDKPs are being used to clean gold by trading it through multiple accounts.

No one needs 100k+ gold to “raid log”. That’s actually laughable to suggest. Yet I see GDKPs trading 200k+ gold casually multiple times per week. It’s pathetic that Manuredps thinks anyone believes him.

GDKPs are a much larger threat to the Classic community than RDF. Same with boosts. Same with bots. Blizz has made it pretty clear they don’t care though and likely support the behavior hoping that whales will carry the game financially for them.


Classic has the dark portal pass doesnt it? Can you not buy gold in classic and get pvp carries, raid carries, etc? In your definition, Classic has been pay to win all along.

In reality, if Blizzard sold the heirloom gear only in the cash shop and you couldnt get them in game? Thats pay to win.

If the fastest in game mount could travel 325% but you could buy a 410% in the cash shop? Pay to win

If you could obtain a vial from the cash shop and not in game that gave you a 24 hour exp boost that is higher than any in game exp buff item? Pay to win.

If you could buy extra raid lockouts through the cash shop? Pay to win.

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Yeah… that mighty sub 300g I got from the last SSC GKDP I did was totally someone trying to clean their bought gold…

Hate to say it, but I do agree, about GDKP killing classic, not the gold buying. Gold buying is prevalent in any mmo, sadly. I wanted to join a progression guild for the last few months of tbcc, but since everyone does gdkp’s now, there’s no guilds recruiting for progression and the one’s that are require you to already be decked out.


GDKP is that popular because its the best pugging system out there, the most fair and whether you got gear or not, everyone leaves with something.

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I was against GDKP at first because like OP I thought it felt wrong for someone in blue gear to go get T5 or whatever.

A few things changed my mind tho: have you ever been running the same content for the 10th time trying desperately to get the last few things you want, and had to walk away with nothing over and over again? It feels bad, and by making sure you walk away with gold at least GDKP fixes that.

In a vacuum, the person who’s tried to farm the item the longest will be able to bid the most.

The other thing that is nice is that lower quality items are actually really cheap. It’s very reasonable to hit 70, farm 1 or 2 K, and join an older content GDKP and get decked out in non bis upgrades quickly; like a better version of catch up badges and raids.

Ofc this system is completely defiled by gold buying / selling, and it makes me sad.

Back in the day, everquest had a special server you could play on for an extra fee thar had more GMs and faster ticket response time. If wow did something like that and policed the bots there I’d pay to not pay to win in a second.

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Thing people dont realize is that if RMT was completely non existant? GDKP would still be a system, and the most popular one at that. Its been in the game for over 13 years lol

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If all you are seeing is 300g from a GDKP then you are:
A) On a small server that doesnt have an overinflated gold supply from bots
B) Lying
C) Not a high enough spender or high enough parser to see the big GDKPs that efficiently and regularly clear content throughout the week.


You guys exaggerate about GDKP in every GDKP thread. You got people claiming that pots are averaging 200k+ lol

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That’s no exaggeration…but I suspect a level 51 from Proudmore retail to not know what they’re talking about in regards to TBC Classic megaserver GDKPs…

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Ive played Classic since the day it released. Only simpletons think forum avatars matter.

Then post on your TBC Classic character…

When you post criticism of retail, do you post on your retail character?

That’s not a GDKP problem, what you described happen during late phases when most people are geared.

People need to stop blaming GDKP for everything, do you realize GDKP still works even when people are poor? All you see is exaggerations everywhere and it’s often from people that don’t even do GDKP runs, it’s pathetic.


Why is “buying gold” always the boogie man around here? Sure some people buy gold, but most regular every day players have tons of gold without breaking any rules. Gold is not rare. Gold is not hard to come by.

Everyone hates gold sellers and buyers so it’s just super low hanging fruit to just jam gold buying into every discussion so that it appears your argument has more merit. If you think GDKPs are bad then make your case without mentioning gold buying.

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I wouldn’t say they’re bad, but I sure as hell ain’t joining one lol.

Goes against the game IMO.

Explain why you feel that way

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Every guild I’ve ever played in has had just rng /roll for the gear, I won’t join anything different than that because I believe that is the way the game is meant to be played, gear is random and is supposed to be handed out via random.

Obviously this is just a personal opinion.

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