GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

It takes a week if that to get ahead of the curve… Good try tho.

What are you really winning in this game? Its an MMO I dont understand the p2w thing.

I understand arena carries because that is ranked and an unfair advantage to other teams. That is P2W.

But P2W for gear in a raid is what? What are you winning? Loot?

So if you have a new character or a level 50 without a boost and a guild, you could get ahead of the curve within a week. So level up, gear up, find a guild then finish the raid on heroic

Type in p2w on google or think about it in mobile games. p2w doesnt literally mean if you give us 20 dollars you win world of warcraft. Its anything that can give you progression faster or instant power progression over somebody that doesnt pay.

The reason why people use it, is because p2w is bad for all games. And im sure you can think of why

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Yea there is hardly no actual games out there that are not pay to win trash these days. It doesnt completely ruin the game but its just not a good thing for games in general. Thats why lots of people play old school runescape and classic wow etc.

If it isn’t winning to you then why are you buying it?

You obviously can’t do it yourself if you need to buy it.

Which was the point I brought up before.

You buying full mythic gear means nothing, you can’t actually clear Mythic nor can you because you aren’t good enough, which is why you bought it.

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Sorry I just dont agree.

And I have boosted in retail and I do GDKPs and its just gear I just dont agree with the P2W stance in an MMO when its just gear. You also need the loot to drop to get geared.

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Again you are taking the quote as literal it isnt about winning, its about having in store purchases that let you instantly increase your characters power or progression speed.

Cool so you think lost ark isnt pay to win then. You are in the 1% of all people on all MMORPG forums. Congrats. If you dont understand why people are up in arms about pay to win type in “Is pay to win good for video games and the players”. Then think about all the games we have gotten in the last 5 years compared to the early 2000s.


That game is basically a mobile game lol

Buying loot, achievements, arena rating, levels (dungeon boosting)… Literally all of it is P2W in various forms…

It’s not even just buying the loot, rating, achievement, or experience points, either… In nearly every case, you’re also buying the ability to skip the entire social dynamic of the game/genre. And then you people have the audacity to wonder why the community sucks now.


Yea so are nearly all games these days because of p2w and predatory microtransactions. Remember games from the 2000s? way better design because they didnt built them in a way to suck money out of people.

I mean the whole 100k gold legendary, 2 legendaries per class comes to mind in wow. Outside of wow, just look at BDO, lost ark etc its all trash

Man the social dynamic of WoW has been dead for years you arent getting that back lol

It will never be as it once was.

People pay for boosts like a +15 because maybe they dont have time to look for group and want a good run without any problems.

People pay for raids because they dont have time for guilds.

Lots of people do it for different ways.

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LMFAO! Yeah dude GDKP is so fair. Whoever swipes the hardest wins. Extremely fair.


Its not the end of the world in wow, its not the worse p2w not at all. Its super minor but it is there. Its not like most MMORPGS with slot machines. But wow is slowly implementing pay for convience and the legendary system in shadowlands is a good point of that.

You dont have t he time to skill up to craft all legendaries to max? well just buy a wow token or grind gold for a month straight knowing full well most players wont have enough free time to grind 100k.

My guess is they will continue this in the next xpac, the only downside is that we will have to continue to pay more money than just to sub to be up to a certain standard and playing alts will cost more real life money or time.

I do not agree with the legendary capitalistic system of the legendaries in Shadowlands where the people control the market. That was a stupid mistake. I agree with that.

Then they shouldn’t get to raid.

They’re literally buying their way through the game. I genuinely don’t understand how you don’t see that as a problem


People control the price which is basically based off the drops which is controlled by blizzard. So its not about how hard it is to craft its just about the drops and how long it takes to get crafting up to 291. Which is all up to blizzard.

Nah you dont get to decide that homie.

There is a token out there that people can buy and they can use it however they want. Its literally in the game.

You dont get a say in that. Thats the beauty of this MMO people can play the way they want to play and if you dont like it then maybe its time for you to move on.

I also used to be a M+ and heroic raid boosters and helped a ton of people get geared out who were genuily happy and I liked doing that for people.

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People control the price. I way overpriced the first legendary when it came out and made a ton of money. People need and want the legendary so they will pay for it.

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