GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

I dont agree thats what pay to win is, and i dont think thats what most people think p2w is. With that same logic Fifa isnt pay to win, black desert online isnt pay to win etc.

This is a argument about symantics then and is pointless. You dont think it is but i think if blizzard right now put a 200 hundred dollar bulk buy order right now on there shop and you could instantly get full mythic raid gear , then another 100 for all new achievements you wouldnt think its pay to win because its attainable in the shop.

By that same standard plenty of mobile games that are predatory in nature are also not pay to win.

Again, your argument is semantics so it doesnt matter. There are plenty of online definitions that support my definition for pay to win but w\e waste of time arguing with you


And by your logic EVERY MMO is p2w

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Old school runescape and classic wow are not pay to win games. If the game isnt built around a in game shop that you can buy gold which you can transfer into anything including carries then its not pay to win. Just because you can Buy gold against Ts And Cs in classic doesnt make it pay to win thats just playing against the rules and is bannable. Also as somebody else said. Thats like saying Lost ark isnt pay to win. Your logic is flawed or just not kept up with current semantic trends.

Also this:

The biggest issue is that you can’t “win” in wow.

You buying gear doesn’t do anything.

You going to buy a title? For what? Everyone would know you couldn’t do the thing for the title anyway.

You going to by full mythic gear? For what? You can’t clear Mythic lmfao.

Pay2win was used in games where you typically competed against someone else. Which is why you paid to WIN over people who didn’t spend money.

Wow isn’t that kind of game.

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You are now changing the argument because you just lost it. You changed it from “its all about what you cant get in the game and can get with real money” to What does “Win” mean to a player.

You are reaching or you have some internal issue with wow being pay to win that you are denying to yourself.

P2W is just a term people use that lets people progress in a game using money. Its not hard you dont need to break down the actual statement.


I never changed the argument you did.

I commented on what YOU said.

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P2W is just a term people use that lets people progress in a game using money. Its not hard you dont need to break down the actual statement.

People dont like P2W IE Pay for progression because its bad for games.


Then all games are p2w.

Sound logic.

The term has been over used and the definition has been made so wide it fits all games.

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If you buy gold to boost your gear or levels then thats more like “cheat in attempt to “win””.

Paying to win does not exist. Its a term used when the game itself offers powerprogression that is beyond what you can get in the actual game for real money.

Nope classic wow is not pay to win. Pay to win would be like if in classic wow you could buy gold, or a full raid tier set or pay anything extra than other players to get a instant power boost. You are saying its not p2w is actually damaging to games.

People hate p2w because when companies bring in pay for convience or pay for progression into the game they build systems around it on purpose and it generally makes the game worse for everybody unless they pay.

Its really not hard if you think about it. But if you have a crysis thinking about wow being p2w or that you can pay money to get a instant character boost in power over other people then all the power to you. But im just saying you opinion is toxic to all online games.

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He is either trolling, or taking the statement pay to win in a literal sense expecting a screen to pop up saying you win or something.

What you’re saying contradicts itself.

Gold is the only currency in wow.

If you can buy gold then it’s p2w?

If you make gold and then use it is it still p2w?

I have never bought gold, I can go buy a glaive right now tho, does that mean I paid 2 win?

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No because if you make gold yourself in game its not considered paying with a real life wallet.

Ill give you an example of pay to win. Say you cant get into a pug Raid because you have no achievements and you have terrible gear. All you have to do is buy 2 wow tokens for 60 bucks buy a ahead of the curve achievement and a couple of carries to get some gear and you can start raiding or join a guild with your stats.

Thats what i did in BFA, i payed to win because i wanted to find a guild to raid in before the last patch dropped.

So if you can buy in game gold with real money it’s p2w?

Then all MMOs are p2w.

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There are plenty of MMORPGS that are not pay to win or that dont give you progression in exchange for money on the store.

I honestly dont understand how the concept of paying money for progression in a game is not a bad thing.

So to you “winning” was clearing heroic raids??

You can do that without paying anything.

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Name a current MMO.

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Classic wow

I have been saying classic isn’t pay 2 win.

I meant a current MMO that isn’t a prog server…

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Yup you can buy it would take you months rather than 2 hours. Again you are taking the statement p2w in the literal sense when most people take it as any Pay for convenience, pay for power, pay for progression its all p2w sub sections.