GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Buying gold in classic is against the Ts and Cs which means its not pay to win. Now if blizz let people buy gold it would be. It would be disingenuous to compare vanillia and say its P2W like retail is.

By going to a guild run that is looking to gear up a returning player or reroll.
The gear has to drop.

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Meta-gaming has ruined WoW Classic, gdkps were just a part of it. I’d say most of the issues were caused by the playerbase


Ion disagrees with you op. he wants to bring back the loot scheme that makes this possible for classic.

Why I actually want him to bring back master loot.

I tire of carry/boost rants there.

They need something new. GDKP will suffice. Its time retail got it back. I need new tears for the salt for popcorn.

Somebody is mad because theyre bad

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I never bought gold and I join 2 GDKPs a week and dont buy anything really unless its cheap and boom I have 40k gold. GDKP saved classic. Get to raid and make some gold. Its awesome.

I started with 300 gold never bought any

GDKPs being the best way to “farm” gold via laundering P2W degenerate bought gold isn’t exactly the ringing endorsement of a healthy game you apparently think it is.

This P2W garbage is breaking the social fabric of the game more than LFD, and is becoming one of the largest single problems to the economic side of the game… made worse by the fact that it feedback loop reinforces all of the game’s largest current issues of botting, P2W transactional culture, and gold buying in general.


You’re half right. The mindset behind GDKPs is the same one behind character migrations/transfers which are what truly FUBAR’d the Classic realms.


Even retail isnt P2W.

Yall really just distort a definition.

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Nothing about a gdkp is p2w…the items arent any better than items you can get for free.

You cant “launder” anything in this game, if it was traded, mailed, or bought on the AH blizzard can track it. You putting into a gdkp isnt somehow fooling blizzard…

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Yeah we’ve been through this in other threads, and your opinion was just as wrong and stupid in those.


Pot meet kettle.

What makes a game Pay 2 Win?

PTW is used in gaming with the meaning “Pay to Win” to refer to games that allow players to purchase items or abilities (e.g., more powerful weapons, additional health points) that give them an advantage in the game, either over other players or NPCs (Non-Player Characters).

None of these things are available in WOW.

What is the meaning of pay 2 win?

What Does Pay-to-Win Mean? In the simplest terms, “pay-to-win” describes a game where paying real money gives players a significant advantage over those who don’t spend any money.

This doesnt exist in WOW.

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I really feel like people vastly underestimate how much gold you can get just playing the game and working with a functional auction house. :thinking:

Can get 1k gold a day doing barely anything with a decent farm / the ah, but people like to complain and justify goldbuying because they are too dumb to actually play the game or flip some items in the ah.


GDKPs are the reason people buy gold…

Not a separate issue. Not the fairest system to swipe for loot prio. You can go into GDKPs, contribute nothing but RMT, and walk out in BiS over people who put effort into the game. At least try a little harder to gaslight.


Nah, don’t really care about your opinion enough to try to change your mind. You are wrong though.

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Not true.

People buy gold to raid log.

They want to perform in raid so they buy gold to be able to afford all their raid consumes including dark runes and sappers.

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How is it not P2W, at least say why you dont think it is.

Here is my argument. You can buy gold. With gold you can buy carries\gear\legendaries and progress your gear faster than if you didnt buy gear. In PVP if you are a 1500 player you can increase your ilvl by a huge amount giving yourself the ability to do better and to get into better groups due to ilvl and achievements.

To me that is Pay to Win. if you can pay money to instantly get a power boost the game is pay to win. Everything in this game can be brought with gold, the game is p2w. You can try your best to argue around it, but it is p2w.

They could sell +15 mplus cache clears right now for 100k gold and it would be basically the same as what we have now just removing the step of buying a carry.


Because paying 2 win is buying something you can’t get in game for free. This is literally why the phrase was invented.

If Blizzard sold weapons and armor that were stronger than you could ever get from raiding or playing normally and you had to buy it with real money, that is literally the definition of pay 2 win.

You’re paying 2 win over people who play the game normally.

What is the meaning of pay 2 win?

What Does Pay-to-Win Mean? In the simplest terms, “pay-to-win” describes a game where paying real money gives players a significant advantage over those who don’t spend any money.

Everything you can buy in wow can be gotten for free.


by this logic, Lost Ark isn’t a p2w game either…