GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

MS>OS 4 hour kara runs maintains the sPiRiT oF cLaSsIc

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GDKP is the best system for pugs period.


I dont mind GDKPs and I do them occasionally but I think they are killing a lot of raiding guilds.

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Don’t use logic with the GDKP crowd. They don’t want to actually have to farm. They want RMT gold.

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Why do people think gdkps mean raiding guilds don’t work any more. Like a gdkp exsist doesn’t stop you from raiding with your own guild. Consumables are still cheap at probably 50-75g a raid day with or without gdkps. The worst gdkps might do is stop pug Ms/os from being ran as often

it goes against for the greater good. They are heretics for this! lol.

People will opt to risk bids in gdkp over guild. Since for some 1 month of solid gold farming could get that item way faster than waiting for the guild to work its lists. Or yes…3rdparty. Some however make money in game. while not fun…running same content 30+ times can get you paid.

Gm’s other half.
3 friends from years ago
2 have other halves
their sibling.

7 people right there. best they can be is 8 on the list.

3 months give or take. IF rng is nice.

gold spam one month, win on bid. 1 month not 3. which I can see. waiting for 7 people because you didn’t know the gm 4 years ago is kind of bs really.

fearlina gdkp’s are always ‘feeding on rich people in real life’ i mean people who have alts and doing dailies on them all :smiley:

fearlina buyer market is filled with ‘cash targets’ i mean Rich Rogues

I mean this is only half true. Surprisingly bc tbcc isn’t at all mechanically hard, trash is trash, look at all the bought glaves with blue parses. when I’m making a 2sr group I learned I can never gear check ppl, only log check, because the game isn’t actually pay to win if most of the people doing it are garbage.

On the other hand if youre a good player you probably got ur gold from carries and spent it on an alt, and then I see no harm done.

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some good players with not bad gear can’t have good parses if they’re joining random pugs, bring one of those who did 99%parsing into a raid run that takes them +10min to kill any boss and check his parsing in such conditions! especially if they won’t even have blood lust or full buffs. so if someone never joined proper groups he/she can get gear with time but will never do proper parsing.

you can do random who bt / mh and have a little chat with those level 68 players in there, it won’t be hard to figure out that many of them are new to game.

When I pug 2sr mh or bt, I successfully bring people with no t6 logs and blue/purple t5 parses all the time and am far more successfull than bringing that green parse dogstaff mage. If u haven’t parsed blue or purple in za or t5 u still need to be in za or t5.

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Agreed, but I have a bigger problem with Blizzard selling boosts than gdkps.
I hate them both and they are both p2w imo. Won’t be surprised when they add in the WoW token.

If thats p2w to you I hate to break it to you…all games are pay 2 win then…

yeah because I’m sure you’re able to farm effectively on your 15k pop server :neutral_face:

exposing people discord name on the forums, you keep on getting more cringe by the day. I really hope you catch a ban one of those days for all these SS.

Do you realize how many dailies are available now?

brother, i play classic so i don’t have to do chores like retail was making me do. please stop the cope with your dailies stories. Nobody plays WoW high enough on whatever youre smoking to believe they can fund their activities with doing dailies on 4 char when you have a full time job and a life outside of WoW

do you realise how inefficient doing dailies everyday is, when i could just be making mana pot injector and collecting 10g profit per stack. But now on faerlina dreaming glory are getting close to hitting 2g each, so yeah 5g mana pots are about to be the thing and people aren’t about to pay 100g for a stack of injectors.

But I guess ill just sit on the sideline and do my dailies in silence, hope for the best and i can make enough gold for wrath to afford my dalaran rings and my DMF trinkets :clown_face:

Go start farming herbs to sell inscription kits.

I mean you have had over 2 years to collect gold…

Self stockade boost

I’ve made over 15k this week only selling these kits.
On top of the 20k from GDKPs.

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The whole thing about people not having gold is because they don’t play the game that’s literally all it is.

Raid loggers have it pretty rough.

Will buy my Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth on day one with my Dalaran Ring v1 and flex at everyone.

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