GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Again they gained no player power over anyone else lol…


Gear doesn’t fix baddies lol. I can spend lots of money. I suck at pve raid mechanics. I will still die to those lol. Die like a muppet horribly in a fire even. LFR hero and proud in retail. PVP is more my thing. I am not partial to dance dance revolution. Dangle carrots in pve…I take the carrot. No money, no gdkp is fixing that lol.

I feel like everyone else is so geared that if you’re new, it becomes tempting to RMT and GDKP your gear even for PvP.

It’s almost impossible to survive or do anything with a starter blue PvP set now a days, and it takes sooo many hours of getting 1 tapped in BGs before you can even get the honor to start upgrading.

I think maybe if they reduced the honor grind it would introduce new people to PvP while taking away incentive to RMT for PvP gear.

It’s also hard for new WoW players to understand the game too if they’re constantly at a gear disadvantage, so most people don’t even PvP after a single BG loss as a fresh 70 lol, it’s just too gear reliant for some.

Why I like epics in retail.

that is straight up N+1 fights. 5 people smack you…you will go down. I don’t even hate healers when that happens. at some point its just a cold hard fact that is mana wasted on a lost cause.

also better odds to at least get more geared peeps in the pull.

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I’ll check back in a couple days after my Paladin hits 70. Right now, try to do the Terrokar Spirit towers and the Hellfire daily quests every single day. The Daily BG win quest is worth attempting and farm as much AV weekend as you can stomach when it shows up.

Grind out Exalted (or the very least revered) with Shattered Sun for a blue weapon and the Glyph of the Gladiator. Buy cheap resilience gems and enchants to stack that at first so you can at least survive long enough to contribute in some way/serve as a distraction.

This - my main - has over 400 resilience and I’m working on a Resto set, to see if I’m still terrible at healing on even the easiest PvP class.

My first Alt is pretty well geared 300 resilience with a couple pieces missing so I’m just upgrading to Merciless gear because I think it looks a lot cooler.

My Paladin is level 67 and has over 20K honor banked while being the third string that I haven’t bothered trying to get the dailies done on. Not sure if I’ll grab a weapon and trinket right off the bat, or just grab all the off-pieces (Belt, boots, bracers, ring).

If you’re not geared right now, you may just be going about things the wrong way.

I agree to a certain extent.

Like the stuff you said about dailies is great advice, so is the rep stuff too.

I guess i’m seeing this from a new player perspective because i’m quite new to TBCC myself and i’m learning fast on the meta and how stuff goes down, but I have some friends who maybe don’t have the time to research as much as me and when they see like multiple hills ahead of them just to get to a baseline playing field where others are still stronger, it sort of turns them off from even trying.

I think that’s maybe the sad reality of MMOs nowadays eh? Wish we had the time when we were kids to be able to go through that type of grind haha.

That, and ideally you’d be able to ask veteran players in-game for this information. But (regardless of the cause - I don’t want to argue about that right now) socialization is kind of in a bad spot right now in both classic and retail. A good guild would be able to help with that, but if you find a really good guild - let me know! Mine is … fine, I guess.

It’s been hard to socialize for sure, i’m on Grobb and 90% of my LFG is constant GDKP/Mage Booster spam with some occasional Heroic/Low Lv dungeon groups.

I tried to find some good guilds that were slower and still doing progression, but it’s been hard because raidlogging seems to be an epidemic even in the non-tryhard guilds lol

Most of the prog guilds I join are fairly AFK and just have their own little cliques on Discord.

Fair enough, to be clear about the audit bit, that is a community wide thing, not angled just at you.

Only seems worse when there were things like mass gold buyer bans in SoM and other examples.

And what are veteran players going to say?

“Go farm gold for however long it takes to do that…competing against bots and the like or just swipe the credit card and buy your way into the gdkps”

So then the new player asks what’s the best way to farm gold?

“By going to the gdkps that require ~10k minimum to join”

So then the new player asks if they only need to somehow farm 10k gold while competing with bots then?

“Oh no, you don’t get a cut if you don’t spend on upgrades, and since you’re new you gotta spend on everything or you don’t get a cut… and since you’re new that’'ll be at least another 20k gold over the next few weeks to gear you up”

So then the new player realizes he needs to farm something nearing 20-30k raw gold, just to get into the GDKPS to get gear or gold… and if he isn’t a paladin or mage, he’s probably averaging 150g/hour if he’s lucky. Or just a short 133.33 - 200 hours of slaving away.

How many of those new players bother logging in again?


Considering we were talking about PvP I imagine they’d say something similar to what I did.

If you’re not in a guild that’s at least able to field half of a non-GDKP pug or run through some dungeons, either focus on just being at 70 for when Wrath rolls around or find your own fun for the next month or two. Even if that means cancelling your sub until then.

If farming gold is going to stop them from playing they werent going to stick it out to be begin with.

Farming for your mount and consumes is a LOT different than farming for all of your gear too.


Nah. The entire game is a grind and farm.

Back when I was doing mythic raiding the grinding and farming to get even half of the slots filled could tape a couple months depending on if the guild hit walls or not. Thats on top of doing heroic full clear, normal and even LFR for side grades while also only spending gold on the raid night, not making gold from it. I loved it back then and am hoping to do all 4 difficulties of ICC every week.

Point being though is that the grind to 20-30k gold isnt really all that bad, nor is it difficult. When I make a goal to hit a certain amount of gold I go all out on it. Many profession alts doing profession shuffles, farming ore and herbs for hours on end.

Like I said, if farming for gold is too much for them, they aint gonna stick it out for the rest of the grind either

It’s psychological. When you’re a fresh 70 with terrible gear and maybe 1,000g and any of the 2nd or 3rd tier BoEs are all still 500-700 gold it can seem daunting. But I made like 1,000g today and was asleep for most of it; so, yeah. It’s not hard, it’s just time consuming and a lot of it can get repetitive and boring.

This is so false it shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.

You could come to a gdkp and get a ton of upgrades for min bid.

You don’t need to win the bid war on upgrades you just can’t let them go unsold.

If an upgrade drops and min bid is 200g you bid 200g if it goes above what you want to spend you don’t need to keep bidding you just type “P” for pass.

You could take 3k into a gdkp and walk out with 4+ items that all went for min bid and everyone is happy because those items sold instead of not selling

You have literally NO IDEA what you’re talking about.

how exactly is GDKP fair? the person with the most gold will always win the item meaning others have no shot at it if that person wants that item.

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Even if you don’t win the item you get paid. Setting aside guild progression where you have a commitment to each other, and ostensibly will earn an upgrade at some point; GDKP is the only loot system where everyone wins. It’s pretty clearly the best system for PUGs.

blue parsers like SR pugs because they think chain wiping and raids falling apart halfway through is fun

Its especially fun when your guild has already got the content on farm and here you are on a thursday 2 hours into a sr/hr pug thats on the 3rd boss and 3rd time trying to refill. Such excitement