GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

That’s exactly what my goal was.

I’m at 45,000 gold

Actually maybe waiting till exalted with Dalaran, so I pay only 16k.

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didn’t say i didn’t have gold, i said farming herbs is not a reasonable thing to suggest when you have bots that provide for a server population of 20k+ players.

but yeah your not aware of that since you don’t farm your mats and buy them of the AH with your gdkp gold just like me.

Nah sorry only cringelord play alliance


Then sell shadowfang keep or RFC…

Only poor people who don’t play the game cry about making gold.

what kind of pleb make gold by boosting, scalp noobs on the AH

GDKP is here to stay it is absolutely the only way people can get the most for there time, the days of carrying mediocre players to the glory halls of loot are over. To many times have people lost bis items to way under performing players on MS/OS loot systems and or SR greedy lists. If you are poor and do not know how to optimize your time and gear to make gold stop playing. All the backseat crying about “oh they buy gold!” all the finger pointing, this and that without proof is really irrelevant. It’s as simple as that if you cant figure out the games community shift this isn’t the game for you. Start pushing 3 to 4 characters a week and using the gold to gear your alts to make more revenue. And in turn if you are running GDKP 90% of the time you are going to attract players that are 1. Better at the game. and 2. value there time in downing the content and coming to raid ready and prepared.

Not every MMO has their devs give a defacto blessing to RMTers by punishing them once every few months and enable the RMTer’s by implementing a level boost which allows them to break even significantly easier. This is made explicitly more evidence when their mail game, retail, is P2W by virtue of the WoW token. When RMT in all of its aspects is allowed to run rampant whether or not it’s against ToS is moot because if a ToS isn’t enforced then it doesn’t exist. You’re arguing semantics, not reality - we have eyes.

Devs purposely made retail P2W. The players purposely made Classic P2W.

It’s pointless OP. The devs make massive profit due to GDKP’s due to what they enable. No one has to play the game - the players get instant gratification. The only difference that’s going to happen is that they’re going to implement the WoW token to cut the middleman. Just throw WoW into the dumpster and if you want to play MMO’s look elsewhere because WoW is a glorified cash shop with extra steps.

Want to level quicker? Buy a level boost. Want to hit end-game faster? Buy dungeon boosts. Want to reach BIS quicker without even having to farm pre-bis? Join a GDKP and buy gold. Want to PvP? Buy arena carries.

People who defend GDKP’s won’t ever come at you in good faith - they’ll purposely play the fool and semantics. The playerbase WANTS GDKP. They WANT P2W. They don’t want to play the game. They know it’s not good for the health of the game but they don’t give it a damn - it’s why all of their excuses are selfish i.e. it helps ME gear faster. All the playerbase wants is to be able to trick themselves into thinking they “Earned” what they have while giving the minimum amount of effort for that dopamine hit. We already see this happening in Blizzard’s other IP’s.

WoW is dead, just move on. What made WoW good was the community and that’s long, long gone. This isn’t 2008 anymore. Look for studios of the people who’ve left Blizzard - Blizzard itself is ran by an inept skeleton crew who wants to monetize every aspect of consumer interaction and will only ever step in if their bottom line is at risk and as shown by Shadowlands only when it’s drastically at risk (pull the ripcord kekw).

It’s because gaming as we knew it drastically changed along with the playerbase. This is retail-classic, not authentic classic


really odd constantly reading the comments asking for official sources to be cited when the only people with access to that info(blizzard), simply wouldn’t release any of that data because of how bad it likely looks.

Can’t really argue against this legitimately. Can’t prove who’s right or wrong and to be honest, that’s likely just how blizz want it to remain.
Tokens=money, Subs=money, Boosts=money, Xfers=money…what reason do they have to want to change?

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