GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

I’m also on Grob and I love GDKPS. Go do your garbage SR pugs where people leave after the 2nd boss doesn’t drop the item they want

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If the social fabric of BC is so strong, shouldn’t people who leave after their boss doesn’t drop loot be shunned so that they never join another group again?

Just asking.

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im not a therapist
and those aint free neither

Money talks. People join GDKP for guaranteed items or to pocket gold. They’re not there to do a pug to the end. Considering the amount of RMT involved with GDKP it’s highly likely they don’t have any in game morality either with these events.


GDKPs didnt kill anything. GDKPs didnt start until phase 3 which means at the time kara and ssc and tk were nerfed.

Most players got there gold legit if u lvl chars from 60-70 without touching the AH or buying boosting services its easy 5k doing all the quests.

Add in the fact most players probably transferred 10 to 20k from classic to TBC. Nothing has been killed because of GDKPs.

Now for wrath the Economy will be hurt by this because players will start listing things at high prices due to the amount of gold that will be in the game.

Wrath was the start of the destruction of the economy first time around.

eh, doesn’t bother me. I have the option to do it if I wish or I can just run with my guild. The choice is there, you don’t have to do a GDKP.

Retail has a built in system to buy gold, which can be used to empower your character.

Pay to win does not have to be stretched to consider that pay to win.

It does, because those items can be gotten by just playing the game.

Take a full mythic character who raided for his gear and a person who bought mythic carries to be in the same gear.

The 1 who bought the gear has no player power over the other.

Pay 2 win would be buying items off the shop that are stronger than what you can get by just playing the game and wow doesn’t have that.

They didn’t kill classic but they sure didn’t help it. It’s crazy to me how the player base for this game goes out of its way to ruin the community aspect. I miss the old days of wow when your community mattered. Your reputation mattered.


Community aspect is in my guild and in discord.

Honestly, true.

That “legit” gold that just so happens to be pushing 600k+ pot sizes in SWP for only partial clears. Yeah, totally generated by players doing dailies and not bots pickpocketing/chest farming 24/7 then selling to people. kek


I don’t think anyone would say that rmt doesn’t happen in gdkps.

Idk why you keep pretending they are implying these things.

Rmt happens everywhere there is gold in this game.

Trade chat

Auction house



Arena carries

And all other gold related things in this game.

You’re just super focused on your YouTube videos of those cases of gdkps where it’s obviously rmt but miss the other thousands and thousands of runs that aren’t.

It would be like me saying all the Terocone that is on the auction house is from bots then only show you the screen shots of the people who are selling 100+ stacks as my evidence but leave out the guys selling 1-2 stacks who obviously farmed it, you never show the whole picture. You hide it to try and spin your narrative and it’s very disingenuous.

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If like grob, pvp servers seem to charge more. Whitemane technically is a pvp server so maybe they charge that pvp premium.

I see some grob prices that ahve me go damn…the entry fee is way over atiesh. then the bid increments have you go damn too.

So this is really server variable.

GDKPs have been around since long before Blizzard even started thinking about WoW Classic. The game is still alive and well. Sorry you are mad.

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No its from people layer hopping at the start of classic and stacking resources. How quick people forget about this.

True… However…

Buying a WoW token is a sanctioned and safe way to buy gold in retail. Technically you can pay to win in classic… however that can fall under RMT since there is no sanctioned and safe way to buy gold in Classic.

Gold is a trade currency that can be traded with other players or NPCs, the sales include...
  • You can buy gear from players or the Auction House

  • You can buy crafting materials from other players or the Auction House

  • You can buy enchants, food, consumables and gems from other players, NPCs (may vary) or the Auction House

  • You can buy a carry and or boost from other players

  • You can buy an achievement (mainly KSM, AOTC, CE or Gladiator in retail) from other players

having a sanctioned and safe way to buy a trade currency can fall into actual pay to win. Yes you can get this stuff normally as I listed however some folks would rather buy carries for gear rather than putting the work to get that gear.

You are still in the raid and you still have to hope your item drops…

Even if you got carried.

Like you can’t just swipe and buy a weapon off the store.

The point is is that you can’t win because you don’t really compete with other people even if you bought all the Mythic gear you could you would still never parse because you’re bad…

Even if you bought gladiator what would you do with it? As soon as anyone saw you PVP they would know you’re not a gladiator.

Also I’m not saying you’re bad in any of these examples I’m referring to the person who bought it

this issue was in the original game.

with gladiator you’d have the mount for the rest of time, nobody cares if you earned it, nobody whispers someone on a gladiator mount ‘Wow I bet you had to PVP so hard for that!’

nope, they say ‘nice mount’ and you say ‘thanks’ and that’s it. that gladiators nether drake is gonna look real good in cata, flying around azeroth