GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

GDKP existed in Wrath originally. People tell me it was around even earlier, but I know for a fact they were happening in Wrath. GDKP is inevitable, even if they have much smaller pots without bots and RMTs.

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I believe that you’ve seen instances where this is the case - I believe you. But I just want to point out that there’s almost nothing Blizzard can do to stop GDKP - at best they can try to ban advertising it in trade chat or something, but they’ll find a way; a private chat channel, their own discord, whatever - it will happen. But if GDKP is killing the guild community in the complete absence of RDF, maybe random dungeons and cross-realm groups are not the forking problem.

I remember 3 months into classic the big Chinese gold farming guild on my realm started to advertise gdkps while everyone else was still playing the game through normal guild groups and pugs. Slowly over the next year gdkps started to pick up until it was nothing but gdkps being advertised.
The Chinese gold farming guild would off load their botted gold to paypig whales and then the paypig whales would come to spend it in their gdkps runs so the Chinese guild would recoup a lot of their gold back. They knew that without gdkps there would not be anywhere near the same demand for rmt gold as it is now and that they had an opportunity to clean the botted gold through the paypig whales. Completely genius.
Everyone defending gdkps here knows exactly where buyers get their gold from and it ain’t jump runs.
Enjoy the game while it lasts because things like gdkps destroy the longevity of multiplayer games.


just from personal experience, blackrock US had them pop up here and there in tbc originally, but it was fairly uncommon, most runs were just ms>os with the spec you came as being it, guess would differ realm to realm.
Wotlk did see more of them, but still the vast majority of ads in chat back then were ms/os with res items.

Nope. Prove yourself right.

Informative, adds too much to the conversation, please, slow down. Time to take it in needed…
Getting the point people acting like this at the mere mention of people possibly buying gold, should have their gold sources looked at by gm’s, why so defensive?

Gdkp’s on their own are entirely fine, when the gold involved is entirely legit and not bought from bot farmers.

You will throw back that I can’t prove anything, but then, nor am I out to.
Mind you maybe blizzard does need an audit and to out player’s in the community for purchasing gold, name and shame characters, some will crack it and leave, others will run and hide for a while and come back, others still would just be appologetic and keep playing quietly…

Planetside used to do this when they sort of more actively monitored cheating, banned players were globally announced, X-server with the reason for the ban. Change of management killed that off over time and now we have a useless battleye.

Most…some people just don’t/won’t learn, but most would stop doing it pretty quickly, even if it were just a real possibility that they decide not to follow through, player behaviours would change. Chat can move to private discords all it wants, suspicious gold transactions should be checked and they have the data and means to do it, they just don’t seem to be as on top of it as they should be.

At a minimum, blizzard should come out with real figures on the estimated extent of the issue to put it to bed either way it falls, again, they could do this.

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I am not a fan of gdkp, but how did they kill the game? First of all the company doesnt ban bots nor has a huge penalty on goldbuyers therefore you always have some bad apples in them due to it being traded items with gold.

SR runs are always a 50/50 when it comes to either fullclear or people not leaving after the boss where their item comes from.
While gdkp are a safe bet for most involved to when for example needing only items from last boss that you actually will fullclear it and obviously kill that one aswell.

Aside from cheaters, the system is good for people who need a guaranteed good raid to kill the last boss instead of having a raid disband and a lockout fully wasted.

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the problem with gdkp is that, it never existed without having relation with RMT, sure some gdkp’s are innocent and pure but tons aren’t.

and whenever gdkp existed in any server “since 2007” that server been targeted for gold selling/buying, but i have to be honest that even at 2006 when some guilds was simply selling Aq40 loot for gold at certain servers, that attracted a lot of gold selling/buying, and almost all top wow guilds been selling loot during every expansion just to use the gold and sell the extra gold for $$$ so it’s not that gdkp is the source of RMT but it is still related to it

and that is not the same as saying “auction house has relation with RMT” sure it can, But the AH doesn’t magically makes everyone wanna buy gold LOL while GDKP does, i know that lazy people would buy gold for mount/enchants/gems/consumes BUT that is nothing compared to people who buy hundred of thousands of gold to join Gdkp’s.

but i have to say that what’s truly killing the game is RMT nothing else & strangely a lot of normal players are happy with that, buyers are happy so they can get what they wants without wasting time or effort & sellers are happy that they make $$ from playing this game if to raid on all characters in gdkp’s or …anything gives gold.

the idea of “buy gold to > buy raids bis gear > become bumper so now you can sell gear > to get gold > then sell that gold.” been huge part in wow since 2011.
Blizzard never succeeded to eliminate that, and the best solution in their eyes was “sell gold(token) & personal loot”

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It would be the same tho.

Gdkps would still be the best way to make gold.

Say an average item now is 1k gold and then you remove all RMT and that same item is now 250g.

That new price reflects the lowered amount of gold players have but it’s still the same.

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Apologies. I come to the forums when I am too tired to do anything intelligent.

Its pretty easy to get full tier in 2 weeks on most classes late into a raid tier because no one needs them. In GDKP’s I’ve been seeing T5 go for the minimum 100g bid and T4 is just being handed out for basically free in Kara because of badge runs.

Same with guilds most players are in T6 now and tier tokens are being dumped on alts for WotLK.

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I get the feeling a lot of people do, they just aren’t honest about it.

I know what I’m doing with my alts this weekend!

Lol you cant honestly believe you have any idea whether any of that drivel you just spewed is true or not can you?

If you’re going to attack one thing for its attraction for RMT then you should go all the way. You cant just cherrypick.

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Seriously. I’ve never bought gold - not from blizzard not from anywhere. I’ve never been in a GDKP, but I know how to make a few thousand gold if I set my time and energy towards it and I’m contemplating doing some GDKPs to gear up an alt. But I would still never consider buying gold.

i was playing on that server, and i only said what i experienced, everyone there knew about it too, i don’t have to magically take you back in time to show you lol.

but as i said gdkp’s isn’t the only reason why RMT exists in wow, gdkp’s been and are still part of it.

how much gold can you farm in 1day of gameplay?
because 1day of work with over time can makes you buy +40,000 gold, so if we’re talking about efficiency & saving time? you’ll never farm your own gold, you’ll never bother waste time in guilds trying to progress.

on the other side, some people doesn’t care about spending some hundred or thousands of $$$ In games, just to not bother about farming rep/gear/ or whatever, So they’ll buy everything they need and then focus on just playing/doing what they wanna do.

wow RMT is not just about people buying gold to buy things in game, wow also have service where it’s about you hire someone with trusted ranks from the same sites that sell gold, So they login the character you want to get rep with or farm certain thing, in retail i know alot of friends doing that to get someone play on their +50char acros the account just to go old raid to farm certain mount. “Since it’s brainless farm and no one would want to go TK 1shot kael with that boring RP talk on 50char” so u just pay someone to do it for you.

also away from such service & gold selling…people buy accounts, specially the fully geared. cus why not? it’s the same logic of buy boosts…some people just cut the wasted time & buy fully bis char so they can enjoy playing it with whatever they’ll do.

wow among all games have been heaven for RMT in-game & giving income to people from outside the game.

You won’t get into any GDKPs worth the time with only a few thousand gold to spend. At most you’ll find MAYBE a Kara and badges will be the largest appeal to carries in those.

It’s a paladin, I just need to get geared enough to carry others and farm badges. T4/5 should be plenty.

Yeah, but I’m never going to buy gold. During my regular play time I can generate at least 100g. Fifteen minutes can turn that 100 into 1000.

I don’t need BiS gear to enjoy my time in game. Acquiring it (or more realistically third or fourth best) is half the fun and then farting around in dungeons/BGs or whatever is the rest.

Lol this dude.

With 3000 gold in majority of GDKPs you could walk out with up to 3 pieces of gear, albeit not the high premium ticket items but you could walk out with up to 3 upgrades

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From my experience , even with ssc tk gkp, leaders will ask for your budget and if its below 5k then you usually arent considered unless they are desperate . Its their job as an organizier

I realize this could be diff now that sunwell is out

GDKP didn’t kill classic. The Players killed classic. The game is the same but we changed a lot in 15 years. We never would have put up with GDPK as normal back then.