GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Gdkp was popular in everquest, it was called plat raids, prior to WoWs existance. It was also a system in WoW as far back as 2009.

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Not in NA, but there’s some gdkp in EU like that.

Maybe, im not in that area tho.

Gdkps arent doing this where im at, why would anyone join that gdkp instead of the gdkp that is a 1k gold min on tier?

It just doesnt make sense.

EQ2 came out like, a month before WoW. And to be fair, myself and a lot of others abandoned it as soon as WoW cam out.

I don’t recall GDPK in wow until recently.

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2009 was when I first saw the system being used in WoW

It started really taking off in siege of orgimmar MoP and has only grown in popularity on WoW since

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I’m not denying it. I just haven’t seen it. Maybe only on bigger servers?

I dunno. No matter how long it’s been around it seems to be the preferred pug of choice. Sucker born every minute I guess.

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Yes, its the preferred pug of choice because the other loot systems are inferior to it by far.


I’ve been on too many lootless guild runs and pugs to disagree. It’s not for me, but for what it does it works.

Toxic behavior and Min maxing killed classic a lot more than anything else.
just look at how many rogues warriors stopped playing because of that

gdkps is actualy a good way for geared players to make gold helping less geared players get gear
its not perfect, but it is a good way of running content

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I wouldnt be running older raids without GDKPs.

Over a decade of history shows nobody will run older raids without gdkp if there isnt gear they can use out of it. Gdkp keeps old content relevant

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People refuse to acknowledge the damage gdkp does to the community. Guilds themselves can struggle to find a simple dps to recruit because of gdkp.

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we got 3 last week wtf are you talking about ?

3 = Hunter(easy to find),Ret(kinda hard)Balance(hard as f)

perfect fix for this would be take out master loot and add in personal loot. SHOTS FIRED! but i am being serious. GDKPs are ruining the game (both the community and the economy) more than LFD ever would.

Uh oh , you said it out loud!

Dude It’s fine to not like gdkp but atleast stop being delusional about what’s killing the game.

Ban the gold farming bots that sell for rmt.

Ban players that buy gold with rmt.


GDKP wouldn’t exist as it stands without those, so…yeah it’s still because of GDKP.

Cause dealing with GDKPS are easier half the time. IS not back end loot council giveing to whome they want… is not RNG of /roll to get gear. Its raid Make gold, save gold… buy gear simple easy process reminds me of my old DKP guild back in the day. earned them dragon kill points spent dragon kill points… Now its GDKP . BTW I raid in set 25man guild my alts raid in GDKP find them fair and hell ive made good money in them.

They 100% would…

You do realize banning all RMT would just lower the prices for items in gdkps right?

Gdkps are the best way to pug hands down.


Maybe? I don’t think it would be nearly as widely used if the profits gained for it weren’t as inflated as they are currently.

I’m not debating that the system works, it clearly does for some people. But as it functions right now? It’s ruined the game for me.