GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Im full BiS on my warlock and I’ve spent zero gold in any gdkp’s for any of my gear. How? Raiding guild, go join one. Raiding is not hard at all.

Nah I also did a SSC GDKP and we came out with 250 gold each. Literally all trash drops.

I think you have a point but I liked the idea of joining and getting gold from some GDKPs too.

at least in 2019 classic, you could find a lot of raids for SR on faerlina discord
now there are none. video record taken from Faerlina discord.

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200,000 average right there tell ya what

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Yeah he on something i wish i was on…

The runs hes saying we see on a Gorthax video.

I swear most people posting anti gdkp has never been part of one, they just either saw the gressil video, read posts on here about it from people who watched the gressil video or just hate that their preferred loot system has been passed up by a better loot system

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Post a screenshot of the in-game addon that catalogues items and their selling cost. Not a spreadsheet that you could simply just enter any total on with no items tied to the values you entered.

Here is another. This was 202k pot after admin cut. Direct screenshots from in-game addon:

I have never seen an addon be used.

It’s done via spreadsheet in every run I have ever done.

I haven’t even heard of an addon that does it, here’s 1 from my SSC/tk gdkp, I was in this run, its my static SSC/tk on wed.

1569 payout…

Such wow

Here’s the run I was in with Ashes drop.

3159g payout WITH ashes…

Such wow… millions of gold!

Its like an ocean of whales on those pictures

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If you claim to have never heard of the addon you are either:
A) Lying
B) Never involved in any of the major GDKPs, which would explain your ignorance.

Tbh, I think it’s a mixture of both.

People can look at my claims, see my screenshots from in-game, compare them to your manually entered spreadsheets, and make up their own minds.

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I would say the level 68s In black temple are paying to win. I don’t have anything g against GDKPs but to say it’s not a route of pay to win is niave.


No you are really just confirming what you’ve been told all along. You have one extreme example compared to many more examples of completely ordinary payouts.

Weird almost like those extreme payouts are in fact the extreme edge cases and in no way representative of the ordinary GDKP run.


Is getting 2-3k per person a huge sum? Yes and no. We’re talking 45k per run changing hands multiple times per day, seven days a week. Millions of gold is getting tossed around just to gear up. It used to be free with hard work.

The game never meant for gold to be spent this way and clearly wasn’t designed with GDPK in mind. Somewhere since classic launched and GDPK became popular it’s obvious that something in Warcraft has broken. I think it’s more of a gamer culture issue that reflects on the community more than anything.


Mage boosting and GDKPs really need to go, but I don’t know the easiest solution for it

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GDKPs are certainly a cancer but didn’t single-handedly kill Classic either.

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There is no “big” gdkps, the only way to make a gdkp have an inflated payout is if you raised the prices of the gear.

For example instead of the normal t6 tier starting at 1,000 gold you make it start at 5,000 gold…which just doesnt happen.

Youre full of it.

Aside from items like glaives or ashes dropping you would need insane rng to just have all of the rare bis pieces dropping in the same run.

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100 percent facts

Sad its a game with millions of people but no admins on the high pop servers moderating