GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

I could see that if Ashes or MH glaive dropped and were reserved for an ungodly amount. 8k payout? I’m in for that run.

I haven’t even been to a GDKP where I even brought more than 1k. But I suppose that I’m a carry.

Screenshot I shared had no ashes or glaive. Pot was still 180k after RL cut.

People can continue to act like these are one off rare occasions when only super rare items drop, but I see it week after week(multiple times) on a megaserver where these sums are regularly traded. I still am the only one actually sharing screenshots from the GDKP addon payout tab in this entire discussion.


soooo…im guessing you dont use the AH either, since that enables bots, gold buying and (as you put it) p2w?

Yea sure. But to claim youre seeing that multiple times a week as if its the norm is clearly just flat out lying. Dudes a :clown_face:

Just trying to see where your incorrect definition of pay to win begins

The real problem…

Not the problem.

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Dont waste your breath trying to talk to gdkprs. They know they are just farming whales for gold. They dont want their pay for advantage system to dissapear.


Most gdkprs tend to be boomers with disposable income that dont have time to farm due to family/jobs.

Edgy, incorrect, but edgy nonetheless

D) I don’t pick extreme edge cases and try to pretend they’re the norm.

Just like back in vanilla classic when the gressil youtube video came out and suddenly everyone and their brother hated GDKP because of one video

Wait wasn’t it raidlogging players using Rmt to buy consumes?

Right. That guy bought gressil with many dm jump runs right?

Enjoyed reading this while counting my gdkp admin splits thankyou

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It was already revealed he bought gold. That isnt the point. it was an extreme edge case that blew up and everybody exaggerated about GDKP from that point on. Same goes today with glaives. The overwhelming average of GDKP runs do not end up with 200k pots. The overwhelming majority of people do not buy gold.

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“Every instance of proof showing the high sums being traded in GDKPs is an extreme case.”
-The Coping GDKPer

It’s funny because the good GDKPs literally will not invite people as buyers unless certain amounts are spent, a point several of you have admitted to being a part of GDKPs in this and other threads.


I can’t wait for wotlk gdkps.

Can’t stop won’t stop!

Oh, I understand that aspect. I also see how much time these “very busy adults” play between mains and alts.

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It doesn’t matter if the majority isn’t buying gold. It only takes one person, in one raid to double or triple prices. Then someone who lost might be inclined to buy gold… and so on and so on.

That depends on the items that drop. That person who bought gold could be waiting months to spend it.