GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Rather that than pay for it personally.

It’s just my opinion, sure the most coveted items ingame will obviously cost more but on the flip side, gdkp is a way in itself to farm gold. Run raids as a pumper and progressively upgrade gear and gold purse. I’ve personally never run one but I’ve lurked a 10000 strong very social gdkp server, RMT is a problem in that it is tos ban consequence and unsanctioned. GDKP is a collateral victim of that not a cause. Blame the player not the game

And I start join GDKP since mid of P2.
I spent 2 months on a guild run but get nothing for 2 months and hundreds of gold for elixir and potions…etc cause I know nobody and the loot is by prioritize. Core member first, have to wait till everybody has it as a raid member.
That’s way more greedy than GDKP group.
GDKP is not a good idea because of gold buying.
But still way better for people who play alone.

If that’s the way you want to play I ain’t going to try to stop you.

Personally I would NEVER pay gold for an item though.

if you got some friends and able to raid with fair loot, that’s 100% fine.
But for most people, we simply can’t because of greedy people rez’ed everything important.

change it yourself
stop being lazy asking for a carry

You talk about both boosts and GDKPs and they’re not the same, so which is it?

How other people play doesn’t really impact me either way as long as there is a big enough pool of players that I can find people wanting to play the way I want to.

By all means get rid of gold buying and botting but the entire focus of classic according to the devs is the players “self-organizing”. If they don’t like the way we organize, give us better options.

I wish I was in those gdkps.

My average payout is like 1500.

You saw a video and you assume all gdkps are just crawling with 100s of thousands of gold, and you’re wrong.

This dude will have you all believe we all got a million gold from swiping and we are just in there buying grey items for 10,000 gold each just because… literally so far from the truth.

You’re stating an opinion based off your bad perception of what pay 2 win means.


All games are P2W.

You should quit playing online games then.

Just curious, would you say that buying a strategy guide is pay to win?

Everything is pay 2 win now to these people.

The definition has been used in such a broad way from when it was first coined to now it literally means anything.

Oh you bought a 3g Deadmines run?? PAY 2 WIN!!!

It’s actually comical. Imagine thinking buying something in a game that can be gotten for free and thinking it’s pay 2 win.

The people calling wow Pay 2 Win, have never actually played a real Pay to win game, and it’s blatantly obvious.

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Nah gdkps are fun.


you keep saying saying p2w
i dont think you know what that actually means

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Yea… Thats very much not a gdkp. :man_shrugging:

Just reiterating that this is complete and total nonsense that you 100% made up.
Like… pretty much everything else youve written here

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But where’s the gold coming from??? Once you figure that out, you’ll see where the P2W comes in.

Bad as your typical freemium game? No. But it’s here.

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I’ve actually provided proof and screenshots of the amounts being traded, and that was one of the lower payouts. You continue to show nothing.

I’ve got more proof, but I’m redacting names and only showing so much because my purpose is not to dime people out, but to prove a point in the amounts being traded in GDKPs and how people are being willfully ignorant on the topic.

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That’s not even close to being the same…