GDKPs killed Classic, change my mind

Not sure about all the shade for Gdkp, only thing I’ve found annoying is the chat spam for advertising it. I actually think it’s a perfect fit for classic, It provides access to endgame content for casuals as well as incentives for those already past the progression. It’s extremely social and huge communities of players have formed in support of it.

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Following this logic: Botting, RMT, and all other forms of cheating/exploits should then be impossible because Blizzard can just detect it and stamp it out. It’s not that simple, Blizzard catches the most obvious offenders but anyone can attest that these illicit activities still take place.

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Yeah definitely provides access for end game content. “DST HR 30k gold.” “Glaives HR 120k gold.”

It’s a joke, people rarely play the game for the sake of playing the game anymore, they just want to be paid with gold to down content and gate keep the raids. Then people who buy gold and want to get carried, pay to get into the end game content and have no idea what they’re doing or the basics of their class.

Even on the big servers this is the case, people are doing Kara GDKP lol what a joke.

I have faith that the cycle will be reset with Wrath and people will be downing content to get geared, but inevitably it will be to run GDKPs to gate keep the people who don’t have the time the hardcore raiders do and make gold off them.

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I mean the original devs came from Everquest, which pretty much is where GDKP originated.

Botting they do in waves, always been that way.

RMT they ban sellers.

And cheating/exploiting is generally taken care of asap.

If its not something big beyond that they don’t waste the resources. They don’t care a jimmy buys 1000g

So then illegitimately-gained currency is made legitimate. That’s a pretty straightforward example of laundering. It doesn’t matter if there are/aren’t people that can stop it if they do nothing about it.

So what? mad they got geared faster than you?

Who are they winning against? Proper dps still requires you to be able to play your character and know mechanics. Otherwise that gear is just a shiny floor decoration.

Lucky you. There aren’t any GDKPs on my realm.

No they don’t.

Form your own pugs.

Seems like people running old content is better than nobody running it. Without gdkps people just wouldnt run the raid, pretty obvious and history shows that

HR is way worst than GDKP
Only trash alt go to DST hr’ed gruul and wipe for 10 times in gruul with bunch of trash is ruined experience.

I don’t think my issue is GPDK in and of itself. My issue is that it mostly took the place of pugs. With Wrath’s eight raids on launch, GDPK is going to be crazy for the first month or so.

I’m sure a lot of people earned every copper they have, others not so much. The not so much’s are the ones who’ll get rewarded unfortunately. Then they will turn gatekeeper to stay ahead. Just like now.

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If it’s not GDKP, who will run kara now lol
Wasting your own money to help some alt with blue and greens?
I’d rather stay in org.
Normally 1 kara can only sell for less than 1k or 500 now.
The gold is not really matter, but to avoid run with some trash alt get every loot with DPS lower than a tank.

And people who pay for 30k on DST is definitely not people who just want to be carried. Everybody I saw who pay for 20, 30 or even more, the only thing they want is a DST to get all BIS done.

Botting is 100% an issue but it is because of BZ’s idiot policy.
You might be banned by using VPN(they claim you share your accounts), by not rez in WSG when opponent camping gv to farm honor but not willing to cap the 3rd flag.
But hard to be banned by botting.

People wanting badges?

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a GDKP finished in 1.5 hr.
A SR team finished in 4 hr with lot of alt in blues and greens.
I’d go to GDKP for my badges.

I mean, you can do whatever you want? You just asked who would run Kara without GDKP, it’s the best weekly source of badges, super quick, super easy, plenty of people still run it.

You are being disingeneous. Scc/tk is old content. BT/Hyjal is were the real whales are.

If you have 10 friends play with you, that’s true.
But I play alone and I’m not even live in north America, 0 friends here.
All the SR pug for T4/5 content now is filled with bunch of alt just hit 70.
And for SR pug, it’s not even possible to find a DST open group.
GDKP pug is the only way to get gears like this.

i mean this i the least offensive way possible…

But that’s a you problem.

ya, I don’t have friends play with me so I’m not qualified to get some item is my problem.
Not because of BZ made some item too strong, not because of everybody is greedy and HR every thing matters.

Make friends.

And I’ve seen open MS>OS Gruuls, i’ve done them recently.

if you spend a whole night waiting for it, you might be able to find one, or not, and you just waste that night.