GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

Lmao blizzard once again caves to the whining gatekeepers.

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I am neither for or against GDKPs, but it is obvious you have no idea what the word gatekeeper means nor how to use it correctly.

GDKP are the gate keep.
You are either stocked up buyer or you are an insane carry. Anyone in between doesn’t get in.

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What you’re describing is closer to those carry runs people sell in Retail. GDKPs often expect everyone to participate (especially if the goal is to do all heroic bosses), and those who participate poorly often don’t get payout or don’t get to come back.

Exactly. And getting rid of gdkps will ironically make those carry runs flourish in it’s absence.

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Playing the game in the carry more is also not a good thing.

People complain about how LFR led to a generation of bad raiders. And you think GDKPs do not do the same thing?

You get a dude who swiped for 200k gold. Gets full BIS… Parses green in as 6.2k affic and then complains how no1 takes him into runs or cant get a guild spot…

They don’t, because bad raiders don’t get rostered.

Ofc they don’t get roasted. Why would you roast those you milk? You got a pat on a shoulder for swiping instead.

I know reading is hard for you, but come on.

Players will always find a way to exclude others. Nobody wants to deal with players that are a liability. It’s the same reason cata will not survive. A huge portion of the player base is basically inaccessible. In wrath you need to be able to play your character to 40-50% of its potential to clear content. In cata maybe 60%. There are too many players that just can’t even do the simplest things. There are too many players who can’t even sit still for 2 hours to complete a whole raid. Nobody wants to spend their time teaching them, or helping them learn. Anybody who wants to clear content will avoid them if they can. And worst of all there is no framework in place within the game for these players to improve organically.

You can put them all in LFR, never learning, never improving, never becoming accessible, and that’s where they’ll stay for a month before they’re gone. Erosion from the bottom up. Before you know it, you can’t even field a 10man. Your 3v3 team hasn’t capped in 3 weeks. Dead game in 2 months.


lmao dude. oh god forbid I misread one word. Yes, let’s go ahead and make fun of it.

Have a good one. I hope GDKPs get banned. I hope all gold buyers get perma banned. People like you ruined the game and the only way to stop it is to get rid of your kind.

Fingers crossed WoW gets cleaned up. SoD is cheering in light of GDKP bans. Only swipers and leechers are crying.


Good thing I’ve never bought gold and my GDKP killed HLK, because as it turns out, GDKP players are actually good at the game because buyers and leechers aren’t part of GDKPs.

I mean, you also ignored what they actually said in favor of continuing to claim that GDKPs blindly milk gold buyers, which is factually incorrect.

So gdkps are YOUR only option for raiding and you cant get into a raid because of them?

GDKPs are cancer that shouldn’t exist.


You are entitled to your opinion, just know that it is not fact.

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This part?

It has nothing to do with anything. No one has ever said that GKDP players are bad.

The core problem with GDKP, as I have said it multiple times already
It encourages gold buying, as you don’t need any gold for normal gameplay. You get your fast flying just by leveling. 1 day of dailies is enough to get consumables for nearly a month worth of raiding.

The actual loot system in itself is fine. Sure. But the problem may not be you. Or Timmy from Nebraska. The problem is Tommy from Alaska who swipes for 200k, as GDKP lead told him that’s the only way he will get in and with 90% of pug runs being GDKP, that’s the only option available.

Then you have streamers who straight up say “I buy gold” and what was that other streamer…some big one. He bought 100s of thousands of gold and didn’t even get banned for a day.

The system was ruined and heavily abused.
This is not Blizzard’s fault. It is players’ fault. You may not be part of the reason why it got banned, but others are.

Oh it is a fact. It is a fact that RMT infestation is at the worst it has ever been.
It is a fact that GDKP is the responsible for nearly all of the RMT occurring in the game today.

No i think the cancer are the elitest that keep clinging to gatekeeping everyone but those in there little circle. “LOOK AT MY GEAR BRUH, YOU WONT EVER GET YOUR GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS ON IT”

I was in a GDKP guild at lvl 60 and it was awesome. The thrill of bidding wars, playing a low-loot-competition class (Rsham) and making out like a bandit. Never had to buy gold and still got the 2nd or 3rd KT caster mace. I even hosted my own ZG, AQ20, and Ony GDKPs, but I just did even cuts since those are easy. Our guild had a formula for awarding extra gold to tanks and top dps, and healers got slightly more than dps. Guild leader was a great guy. Valued making the players happy and would usually let other people have first dibs on big items, occasionally “flopping it out” when he decided it was his turn.

GDKPs are really fun and satisfying in a lot of ways, makes you weigh your options, how much you want to invest, maybe it will drop next week, hmmm. It adds a layer of player agency, a layer of thought beyond “I hope I get it.” I do agree that gold buyers ruin it, but for the normal player who does not have buying power until they get a couple weeks worth of payouts, it is essentially like a trial period.


This is probably a fact.

This is not. GDKP is the scapegoat.

Players are responsible for RMT. Where and how they spend that gold is not the responsible party.

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