GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

Blaming gdkps for the lack of moderation against buyers/bots is crazy. It really doesn’t make sense to outright ban a particular way for people to run their raids and distribute loot just because some people like to swipe their cards. People run gdkps to have more control over their loot and even if you don’t get loot at least you get gold, so there’s an incentive to keep raiding even if you’re geared. I’d rather lose my bis to a higher bidder and get a cut of the pay than to lose it to a ninja looter or in an rng roll against some random self proclaimed “7/7 big d 99 parse pumper” in rfc greens that does half of our tank’s dps and dies to the 1st boss mechanic.

It’s a really simple question though, has this company ever considered adding any forms of anti-cheat or hiring more competent people to actually moderate their game and do a better job at banning buyers/bots?


gdkp has been done since launch lol how is it “against seasons”?
if you’re gonna ban it here you should ban it on every part of the game then if it’s that bad lmao

waste of time imo. ppl are just gonna go rogue and sell via discord the pro just less spam in game lol.


now they need to remove wow token from retail and wrath classic. or they are 2 face dip sh cupcakes.

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Around Firelands, yes.
It will solve itself in Cata. No need to change anything specific.

Nobody blames GDKPs. We are blaming gold buyers that participate in GDKPs.

It does. If Blizzard is incapable of banning bots and/or goldbuyers then something else has to be done.
Everyone just keeps complaining about bots, how bad they are and ruining the game but if Blizzard is actually doing something you all just go nuts.

They bring the gold bought by the buyer to the the economy. Most GDKP players are innocent but they are the root of inflation and more botting. It is fine to enjoy GDKPs but they are a massive problem. And I say that as someone that actually enjoys GDKPs from time to time.

This barely happens… And GDKP leaders also ninja loot sometimes lol. They just take cut-offs of people that “did” something wrong. In fact, GDKP leaders are the biggest scammer of all of them. Some GDKPs take up to 20% leader cut for nothing.

I’m happy if the pumper is getting the loot. He has put more time into the game and knows the game better. He also helps a lot that the run goes smoother.
What I dislike is that xwarriorpump with barely 5k GS is joining our raid because he said he is a buyer and buys DBW for 200k+. He also managed to die on pretty much every boss and is below tank dps. This is literally pay to win.

Yes, they have. It is a never ending battle.
Besides the point that is very expensive to implement and update (gold sellers keep changing their bots), it has to be a rootkit anti-cheat to be effective. Good luck selling a rootkit. Just check out the big controversy about riot and their anti-cheat Vanguard.

They just fired even more people. This is the biggest issue but we can’t change corpos wanting to save money.


They actually hinted at it by saying they “have new tech to deal with exploitative accounts”.

People should be scared at that considering what the world is going through AI wise.


true! they need to ban gold buyers and remove wow tokens from every wow. it’s not gdkp’s fault people with gold come to the raid. irl gold buyers need to get banned.


Do you not think that Blizzard can’t track such activities? You would be foolish to think they can’t.


this only hurts people’s ability to get gold off of swipers


Gdkp’s is all about Real Money Trades
RMT is the no.1 reason to destroy any game.

Banning gdkp means the game is flushing out those gold buyers / sellers
Great move by blizzard & tbh should have been done since 2020 in classic and then maybe classic would have retained millions of actual players instead of bots & real money traders.

i can tell for sure that more than half the numbers that joined wow classic in 2019 & onward… all of them left wow because of Gdkp’s.
Gdkp’s killed every single pug / sr / +1 or and many guilds…etc


This isnt going to decrease the RMT’s in fact this will affect DIRECTLY on the normal economy AKA the AH… prices of everything will skyrocket since the gold will have no use anymore for raid it will be transfered to consumables, gear and professions…


lol no people gdkp once and don’t have to spend hours farming mats or raid stuff. it hurts a lot of people other they rmt people.

lol no if you do gdkp with normal people you don’t even make 500 gold. but that’s enough to buy raid stuff later on and don’t have to do gdkp more than once or twice a month.

plus you save hours farming or leveling alts.

False, GDKPs are the only reason I started to play again. Nothing feels worse than spending week after week losing your items on “ThatsMyBIS” because you lost a roll off. Because what dps didn’t put that trinket as #1. GDKPs let you determine how much you want an item. And if you don’t get any loot that night you get a payout.

Content getting harder is what killed guilds. In WotLK, Naxx was a breeze, you could carry your weakest members in the guild. When Ulduar came out, it was obvious which of the guild members were under performers or maybe intoxicated/high every raid night. “Why did we die? Looks like player X wasn’t where they were supposed to be again”

If you are worried about “swipers”, have them ban bots. Treat the cause, not the symptoms. Also, not sure if you noticed, but Blizzard allows you to be a “swiper” in WotLK with the WoW token.


Right now the only thing keeping me playing the game are my guild raid and established gdkp raids weekly. Without gdkp I would play one day a week for a few hours.

I couldn’t really get into SOD, but this pretty much ensures I will stay away from it. I don’t think I would have even done gdkps in SOD, but removing raid options for players is the wrong direction.


This is such a heavy bias… Runs are 50/50 between GDKP and SR. Not to mention since you want to talk trade chat GDKP instead of prime GDKP you only need 10k to get into those… which is easy to get without GDKPing or swiping.

If you are going to be antiGDKP please stop using Prime GDKP prices while pointing to “all people see are GDKP” they are two entirely separate things.

Side note: Those Prime GDKPs won’t go away. They will instead become Guild Runs that sell carries for gold. Which would encourage more gold buyer especially without GDKPs there.

For Wrath specifically, a guild would take 3-4 buyers. Who would get all the drops they can use while the 600-800k they would make from the run is split among the 21-22 carries.

Due note that 600-800k is far larger than the average GDKP pot which currently sits around 200-300k on an 11/12 with 4-6 heroic clear.

So please ban GDKPs. The GDKPers will thank you… well the hosts will thank you.

100% would raid more if I could just constantly use the same characters. It is exhausting trying to keep up with my group of friends… Just getting my 8th toon set up…

The GDKP runs will go down.
RMT degens will take it to discord.

Hopefully Blizz has written down a list of names of all biggest GDKP leads. Like, 50 per server. I’m sure there are way to monitor loot/gold transactions, especially within the instance.

If X gold is traded within instance, like the overall flow of over 200k let’s say, the whole raid gets banned. No one trades over 200k gold within a raid unless it’s for loot.

Ban those people. The whole raid really if GDKP is indeed happening. That’s it. The news will spread. Honestly, just doing it on Pagle alone will be enough to send out a shockwave of fear.

The vast majority of folks will stay away from GDKPs if said change was to come to Wrath. Especially those that don’t want to be potentially banned.

It’s time to lay down the law. It’s time for Blizzard to purge illicit players for good.
If this is just the first step, so be it.

No one is saying that ban of GDKPs will magically make it good. No, it won’t fix it all, but it will certainly make things better. That, with the combination of PL and retail-like lockout system, we might yet salvage whatever is left of the game.

Bots. RMTers. GKDPs. These are the things that ruined the game.

Have you ever thought what happens to all the admin cuts?
Look at top tier.
30 runs per week.
Out of, lets give it a low number, 300k with 5% admin cut = 15k gold.
15k * 30 = 450k gold to admin pockets per week.

What do you think they do with this gold?

They sell it. It’s a business. Big GDKPs arent just a group of friends. It’s a business. And the only reason they reason the yare in business are the players that buy gold.

There have been so many leaks by now with GDKP officers telling people to buy gold to be on the roster. This is no secret any longer.


I have zero experience in sod, but on Classic GDKP runs attract better players and incentivize good play.

I have spent 6 hours in ULD pubs before in non-gdkps. I have wiped on the normal northrend worms in TOC in a non-gdkp. I have seen 4-5 casters wordlessly leave the raid once Flare/Scale didnt drop. I will never non-gdkp unless it’s with friends, joining a random pub MS>OS is doomed

As a pvp player, gdkp are a godsend. Plus you can just become a reg and make most weeks and it’s basically like being in a guild raid, except you can stay in your arena guild. You can bring your ratty alt char and nobody cares, it doesn’t cause “guild drama” as long as you splash cash you’re chillin.

Likewise you can transfer “time spent” from main char to alt char, or help your friends buy that piece they need for PvP. I could write a novel on this but TLDR I hope blizz don’t try this lunacy in Classic. And yes I hate botting and RMT and realize gdkp is the main driver of those


They use it to buy items in the next run. Just like everyone else.

That’s just what you believe.

Strange, I joined every GDKP discord for my server and found 0 that do this. It’s almost like this doesn’t actually happen and the anti-GDKP crowd has just convinced themselves that it does.


bro lmao. you’re a clown if you think admins just pocket MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of gold lmao.

Just use your brain a little.