GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

Hahaha easiest work around ever

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“Buy the stack of ice cold milk off the AH for 400g, and I will trade you the item”


I’m enjoying watching the salty gold buying GDKPers being upset by this.

It is a mystery how Blizz will enforce it, but they said they’ll discuss that soon.


Feels like trying to fix a leak with a mop… real solutions please…

New players are absolutely swiping using the in game shop for gold.

$20 for 10k is too easy to pass up.

w by Blizzard but I doubt they will enforce it. They don’t even have customer support anymore since the last layoff

This isn’t preventing 1 bot from selling gold or hacking. I have never thought about buying gold, but I prefer GDKP over rolling against pugs who do not contribute the same to a raid. There is also a large section of players who cannot stand loot council elitism complex and in the long run this is going to kill the game for players who want to be in control of their loot.


I guess they’re testing it in SoD and seeing if they can implement it into the progression servers… At least I hope that’s their plan.


Amen, I feel like that is half of the GDKP enjoyers who do play by the rules. I hate loot council and don’t particularly like just free rolling. Oh well I feel like they are just saying this as cover for not doing anything about the larger problem(Botting/selling/buying gold).

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Personal loot? Gtfo lol


I mean for those in a guild that don’t like loot council the solution is really staring you in the face…DKPS. I don’t honestly care if GDKP gets banned or not but to pretend there is not a fair guild alternative is laughable when you are literally using the basics already.

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dkp not optimal because suckers bank for “cool item” (like a weapon) then no one buys good “boring” item like bracers and it goés to offspec

just my experiece

and u join guilde and GM wife got 10,000 and officer who got 10 chars and makes meme videos got 20,000 and u will take 2 years to hit that rate even with decay

well, as far as I could remember, back to 2010, GDKP runs disappear since the beginning of Cata. The reason is not that Blizzard banned it. The root cause was the Cata raid was difficult that 90% of the players won’t get any chance to play heroic mode. Same reason for SoD today. Those people found it hard to find a raid run because they are unskilled noobs, not becase they have no money for GDKP runs.


Lol what DKPS system you in there my northern friend.

Like any system it has pros and cons but the couple I have been part of had low caps which encouraged spending and alts/offspec didn’t compete on same bid as mains.

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Find another guild LMAO

man this chaman save many weeks for Rigoberto Hat
We are clearing NAXX40 and the sucker still on dire maul çlothes with immense DKP

i leave the guilde in tbc

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parse high 90’s get loot locked for a month LMAO

Funny how the blue post that wowhead has just doesn’t mention gold buying or selling at all as part of the reason as to why they’re banning it.


You are completely stupid
If one were to just grind all day and make a good amount of gold equivalent to your gold sellers and then join a gold group
where is the problem?
an imaginary gold fiend
get a life if this is to much for you

Really stupid decision. Blizzard is just sticking it to the community yet again. A few misguided people on the forum will be happy but the vast majority were behind GDKP… else the raids wouldn’t exist in the first place.

Worse is that any time Blizzard stupidly wastes trying to unnecessarily police this is time not being spent going after botters. Blizzard is once again making things worse for everyone rather than better. Honestly though, I’m glad to see SOD made to suffer. Too bad it doesn’t have a max level boost as well.