GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

Sure you can play, you just shouldn’t expect to get BIS gear playing 2 hrs a day little guy.

If you can’t handle this then mobile games or fortnite will be better for you.

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Funny stuff lol

Actually, most gold buyers probably use their own credit card. Or more like Pay Pal.

No, they mostly use mommy’s credit card because they are mostly young people with large egos and small intelligence levels.

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Who said I have BiS gear? Or expect bis gear? Those people doing gdkp runs are still putting time in. They just aren’t doing it running raids 100 times.

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They aren’t putting in time. They are ruining guilds, causing inflation, and scamming players constantly.

No one cares about your opinion when you buy gold nerd.

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I actually make gold running with those groups. I won a BIS relic for 1k gold and made 12,xxx gold at the end from the purse. Hell, if I really was greedy I’d put on old gear while running with one of those groups and bid on something I know I’m not going to win and just bath in the gold at the end of the run. They aren’t ruining the game and none of your points have any solid weight to support them. Sounds more like you’re jealous than anything. Especially with the “bought with your mom’s credit card” line. That is called projecting insecurities.

You make a lot of assumptions because you’re trying to minimize other people because you’re easily upset. It shows very weak character on your part.

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No, I think GDKPs are bad for the game and gold buyers are scum and have large egos with small brains.

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No, you’re assuming people are buying gold without actually knowing they’re buying gold. Because maybe that’s how your brain works because that’s what you would do. GDKP runs have to affect on you. Don’t like them? Don’t do them.

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That sums up your posts. You have a lot of insecurities and self esteem issues.

I know people are buying gold. It is a known fact tons of people buy gold to fund their egotistical gear progression.

Most of these people are toxic nerds with low intelligence.

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bots and gold selling are bad for the game.

GDKPs do not add gold to the economy on their own. Inherently, there is nothing unhealthy about a GDKP. The frequency with which they occur on classic is both a combination of people minmaxing the living death out of raw gold farms in vanilla classic and also gold buying. One of those things being problematic does not mean both of them are. Plenty of players who’ve been playing classic for 3 years have a lot of gold that they just wanna be able to spend on something because basic necessities are virtually pennies to them now.

If you know they’re buying gold then you would have proof of it. Again with the “Nerds, egotistical gear, scum” insults. And you’re trying to justify it by putting your toxic mentality into it. People of strong character who are secure with themselves don’t talk the way you do.

GDKPs incentivize bots. You have to be dumb as a bag of rocks to not realize this.

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Is PayPal still around?! I used to buy things from E-bay with that a loooong time ago. Got me a Gibson SG for a hundred bucks because the parents son moved out and left it behind!

2 hours a day is 14 hours a week…I play less than that.

Why can’t you have bis gear playing 2 hours a day?

My Naxx takes an hour and 17 minutes.

Oh yea yours takes 5 hours…that’s rough.

Bots had plenty of incentive without GDKPs too.

'member black lotus?

I 'member black lotus.

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I dont like GDKP either but it aint goin anywhere

You sound like a bot with your replies. I’m sure you are out there farming gold to sell to GDKPs.