GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

It’s time Blizzard bans GDKPs from WOTLK. They are ruining the game. The grouping addon is flooded with GDKP this, GDKP that, on big servers.

GDKPs are a symptom of gold buying. This means tons of people are buying gold or have bought gold in the past without being punished. And GDKPs are the primary place they spend the gold.

GDKPs also trivialize the game and they shortcut the entire point of an MMO. It makes guilds pointless and gear progression non-existent. You just buy the best gear and then quit the game. It destroys the social aspect of the game.

GDKPs are a cancer for the game. They not only make the game worse from a social standpoint they also make the game’s longevity worse. Why keep playing when you have all the best gear that you bought with your mom’s credit card?

Exactly, you don’t keep playing you just quit and go play OW2 where skill matters or another MMO.

Also why join a guild when you can just use mom’s credit card and get BIS gear in a few GDKPs? Exactly you don’t join a guild you just join GDKPs with gold buyers and gold sellers who are there to recover the gold they already sold to you once.

Please ban GDKPs from WOTLK before it’s too late.


Just because that’s how you think, doesn’t mean everyone else should feel/think the same way.

If you don’t like them, then don’t join them.
GDKP works. There are more non GDKP runs in pugs. MS>OS 2SR is usually what people run.

Maybe you shouldn’t buy gold in an MMO and should play it normally? Have you thought of that?


If anyone who buy’s gold stops it wont fix the issue, It’s up to blizzard to fix the issue.

Not buying gold when it’s so easily available is stupid and not doing so makes you an idiot. This includes me. I could go to work for 1 hour and buy 10k gold or I could farm in game and make what 500g?

The job that I would do for that money is minimum wage and requires only physical effort.

After writing this I realized the site uses US dollars so it’s actually cheaper than what I’ve just researched. It also says they have 100million gold in stock for my server lol.

hopefully dragonflight will be good, because i agree gdkps have ruined classic. Blizzard devs aren’t going to do anything about it either. They want to kill off classic because when classic does good, dev jobs are looking to get trimmed. So i’ve made my peace and if dragonflight is playable im leaving WOTLK behind, sad but true.

Its common knowledge that alot of the gdkps are run by people who resell gold on websites. WOTLK is good(Not perfect) but I hate to say the “community” is my biggest problem with classic and developers have no incentive to stop whats happening. So the population that has an irregular play “schedule” or lack their of, are going to be exploited. Also the reason they are not working to add LFR or LFD, another way of choking out classic


me? Why me? What did I do? I wouldn’t risk my 18 year old Blizzard account lol
I play only 1 toon and I raid only with guild.

Blizzard should put in place some scan, like all mail with over 3k gets a ping - and Blzz reviews it whom its from. Like, same guild? Same account? Or if not, investigate further.

too many people make money rmting off of leading gdkps. good luck convincing them

They should just add wow token if they don’t ban GDKPs.


We don’t buy gold we just play the game better than you. Instead of crying about gdkps here how about maybe you should focus on getting good at the game.


don’t bite on obvious bait

Didnt you post about how you exclusively go to GDKPs because LC is horrible in another thread?

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You def buy gold. I can tell by your egotism.

No i hate GDKPs and only go to MS > OS or SR pug runs.


Aren’t you the same whiny dude who cried about parsing, after making rude comments to others about parsing? Maybe mind your own business and clear the content you wanna clear and leave other people the F alone. You and people like you make this community so awful.


Yep that was me. Don’t worry, I am capable of hating two stupid things at once.

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yes, the GDKP is the result of rampant skillgap causing the playerbase to split into two playerbases. The elites hate the scrubs as much as the scrubs hate the elites.

clarification: i mean the casuals with a real life who can’t dodge a fire wall because they work for a living.


Gold has never been easier in game to get yet you are whining you can’t get any?

Stop being lazy and do some dailies.


Cope and seethe.

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In a broad and general sense, I agree with most of what you’ve said. However:

  • I don’t really see an explicit motivation for Blizzard to ban them, especially since it would be difficult to do so
  • Thankfully, actually think I’ve only seen one single instance of GDKP spamming on Grobbulus. This will certainly get much worse, but at least at the moment, I don’t agree with you that GDKPs are currently a big issue in the game.

Traitorous critic fallacy. Simply avoiding GDKPs doesn’t even come close to solving the problems they cause.

Cheater detected. Go play a mobile game please. :rofl:

Absolutely disgusting, 100% disagree with you.

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How are raids forming with the loot system they want bad in general?

Guess we could ban boe epics from the AH at the same time. Makes sense.