GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

Sir, no logical thinking allowed in here.

More streamer attention needed for this one.

Nope. Skyfury proves you wrong. Hardly any GDKPs because people are poor.

GDKPs happen on servers where gold buying is common because they are filled with egotistical little boys who can’t be behind other people in gear or they lose their minds.

They get mom’s credit card and swipe that bad boy until it melts. Just so they can be ahead of Timmy who has better gear then they do from his normal guild.

It’s kinda sad and a degenerate play style. This is why Blizzard needs to ban GDKPs. It ruins the point of having guilds and shortcuts the game for people which means they get bored and quit.

If you want the game to die you support GDKPs. Also if you buy gold you support GDKPs.

Normal people don’t support GDKPs.

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GDKP runs have always been a thing. And they aren’t rampant. And stop assuming everyone that participates them is buying gold. Gold is easy to make in wrath. Especially if you have farm alts. If you don’t like GDKP runs, then don’t run them. They don’t affect you.

But nowadays people love to involve themselves into things they don’t like. And because you don’t like it, you have to feel like you have some control to get it banned. Saying passive/aggressive stuff like 'uSiNg mOmMy aNd dAdDy’s CrEdIt cArD" to rationalize your irrational feelings. And “cancer to the game” lol. Again, GDKP runs are not the norm. You just see them because you’re so focused on them triggering you.

That sounds like something a gold buyer would say.

I don’t see what is wrong with GDKPs. The wow devs all do them. It’s literally documented on Twitter that they play GDKPs.


1 guy lul who cares. Banning GDKPs is for the good of the game. Who cares if one dev does them. He can learn to farm gold like a normal person.

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Naw nice try bro.

No, that’s just what you want to believe because irrational rants are all your brain has room for.

Gold buyer is mad.

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passive/aggressive whiner is definitely mad XD

find my toon where I’m buying all the gear on. I’ll wait.

We know you buy gold with mom’s credit card. That’s the entire point of this thread.

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hardly any is more than zero my man

Prove it then. Just because you don’t work you assume everyone else has to use mommy’s credit card to buy stuff. I’m sure she can work a few extra bucks into your allowance. Just ask her.

I have a decent job but it’s obvious you use mommy’s credit card. You should put it back before she notices.

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That’s exactly what someone who doesn’t work would say LOL

nice try freeloader

Just because you have money doesn’t mean you should be able to short circuit the entire MMO gearing process because you can only play 2 hrs per night.

Just ask your mom for more game time after you do your homework.

Also she’s going to notice the charges sooner or later little guy.

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Nobody is short circuiting anything. If you actually worked you wouldn’t be so worked up over a video game and making assumptions about other people because you do those very things. Ever hear the phrase “The lady doth protest too much”? Totally applicable here.

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Maybe MMOs aren’t for you little guy if you can only play 2 hrs a day.

Maybe mobiles games or fortnite are better for you.

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Anybody can play anything regardless of how little time they have. Quit getting worked up over stupid things that have nothing to do with you. Like everyone in this thread has been saying, gold is easy in wrath. You just can’t wrap your head around it because you don’t want to farm gold, so you don’t think anyone should.