GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

Doesn’t affect whether or not GDKPs exist.

Someone disagrees with you.

Fortunately, that persons opinion on the matter is what actually matters.

It sounds like you play a lot of GDKPs.

Then why the F do you care? Are you serious right now? You just typed a 250 word essay about GDKPs when you play on a server that has none?

Lemme go read a global economic policy written by a human in a non contacted tribe in Brazil.
Gonna go read about how to run a marathon from a paraplegic.

And then there is your post, thoughts and feelings on GDKP from a casual player who has never done a GDKP, and is not good enough to be listed as a carry in one either

Like bro wtf? lol.

Ad hominems and dodging questions. Classic Ziryus. :smiley:

GDKPS really only become a problem when they are the only option for pugging.

With the amount of catch up mechanics and ways to gear up throughout this expansion, this will never be the case and ms/os or sr runs will continue to compliment gdkps as the go to pug methods throughout.

You’re conflating gdkp with gold buying. The disease is not gdkp, it’s the fact that its really easy for these rmt sites to gather an absurd amount of gold, and in turn price it so low that people who value their time, instead of farming it, spend a few bucks to get that time back

That was the answer to your question :slight_smile:

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s a problem.

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Which is how it felt in TBC, because most non-GDKP pugs were, unfortunately, pretty incompetent.

Its not really an issue now, on my server, 25m pugs are primarily GDKPs and 10m pugs are primarily MS > OS (or just achievement groups), currently.

And next phase the 10 mans will drop 25 man loot, getting everyone caught up much more easily and able to participate in Ulduar.

The SSC/TK cliff was real in TBC.

Yep was fun leveling the last time. Got burnt out on fresh server took a break was going to push from 72 to 80 and what do I see DKP. You telling me i get to join a guild and then bid on items that drop.

Im out single player games or fun multi player like fall guys stuff from now on. If anything about your game is competitive im out.

Caught my renewal 5 hours before haha.

Goodbye wow.

Yeah that sounds terrible. No normal person wants to do GDKPs. They strip the essence of the game out and make the game worse.

The last statement is certainly true enough but I’m not sure there has been any recent widening of skill gap. What has changed (from my scrub perspective) is that elites have gone from annoyed with scrubs to outright intolerance and hostility. But its true enough to say that that hostility is now coming from the scrubs as well. Not unlike what we are seeing in the political climate.

Probably deserves its own topic.

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Flagged and hoping for this spam topic to just die already.

The only problem I’ve been having with GDKPs in Wrath is how few seem to be publicly posting, and most of them are only looking for pure buyers. I was doing 3-4 a week in TBC making good cash and everyone having fun, but in Wrath, it’s been a lot less effective.

I’m doing a gdkp today because making gold in wrath makes me want to die

They are typically on server discords.

Bene has a huge gdkp discord.


You still see some pugs in lfg and stuff, but nowhere near the insane amount of spam that sunwell trash farms mages generated.

huh? even if nobody ever bought gold from a single bot ever, GDKPs would still happen…things would just sell for less gold