GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

Yes i wont forget that he said youre trash at the game and youre a loser.

I will hold those words close to my heart.

It doesn’t matter what kind of thread you start, you will 100% get opposition even if it is completely immoral and unethical

Welcome to the WoW classic community

I mean when hes wrong hes wrong.

Thank you for proving my point lol
Why is he wrong? Because he believes Pay 2 Win kills the game long term? Lol whatever


There is no pay 2 win.

You using an in game currency to buy in game stuff isnt pay to win.

They are killing the same bosses you and i kill.

They arent generating any gold on the server.

They arent even getting their drops most of the time.

None of that is being minipulated by using gold as the loot system.

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I am sure all the GDKP groups have the most honest intentions …
But the reality is, the gold farmers are the real winners of this situation.

More GDKP groups = More gold famers = More inflation
It’s like WoW classic players are unable to see the long term effects of their go go go mentality


Yup just think if we removed gdkps we would remove all of the bots and rmt players.

If we removed bots and all the rmt players all the gdkps would leave.

Incase you couldnt figure it out, both of those statements are wrong.

Yep GDKPs cause gold buying and selling.


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What an arrogant approach to what I said

I didn’t provide a solution to the problem I just stated the long term effects of said groups.
I don’t think there will ever be a way to get rid of gold farmers, but there is a way to slow them down

Yes, by removing gold.

Besides that, you arent doing anything.

You are coping if you think otherwise.

I think you’re just here to argue regardless of what anyone states.

Any currency in any game is going to be exploited but it is up to the developer to create solutions to said problem. In this sense I just think the players are just making it worse by creating an atmosphere which contributes to the downfall of the shelf life of the game.

I personally would like to see Wrath Classic go as long as it can possibly can because it really is a great expansion IMO. But I feel the rush to completion is destroying that from happening and I feel that is what a lot/some of the community is also feeling

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Yep he is just here because I posted. He is very predictable. Glad I ignored so I don’t have to see his verbal diarrhea anymore.

The most small minded person I’ve come across in a while on these forums. Also a streamer called him bad and his achievements irrelevant so he is extra mad today.


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. gdpk is not the issue at all and is a player created loot system and has been in the game since og wow if you google it you can find guides from 2011 before that pog groups. RMT yes they do ban people when they can .but how are they meant to know that 1000g trade was not legitimate ?
i have had a mate come back to the game and i gave gave him 1k to get his flying tome cause i’m on my 5th character now so have some spare gold from the quests. should i get banned ?


I thought you played on skyfury lol.

We have like 2 gdkps… if that. They are never advertised ever.

You’re probably on pagle still. Knew it.

No I’m talking about the big servers. I logged in and it’s all GDKPs.

I only actually play on Skyfury. Of course our beautiful server isn’t ruined. That’s why I played FRESH.

But on the mega servers it’s all GDKPs everyday.

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Works for me lmao.
I don’t care about them, but it doesn’t mean I want them to be removed.
I don’t PvP either, nor do I care about it. Not going to advocate to have it removed .

Perfect reason not to.

Welcome to the Frosstfire ignore club.
