GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

You are 100% a gold buyer. And that is why you like GDKPs…


Did you get blacklisted from all the non gdkp runs on your server?

No I never tried one because I’m not a gold buyer and I’m not slow.

You certainly seem to be :slight_smile:

Says the slow gold buyer…

Is this act 2 in our Frosstfire storyline?


Greatness decks cost 30k+ gold right now.

And are bis till togc which is over 2 phases away.

Care to try again?

Also that 1 item cost more than 99% of items in gdkps, most items go for 1-4k…You could buy a full kit for 30k.

Also Asmongold likes gdkps.

Are you campaigning for other servers? I could have swore you said they wouldn’t exist on Skyfury.

1 or 2 items doesn’t matter.

GDKPs let you get everything lul.

Figures an irrelevant parser would try and argue stupid things here.

I corrected you was all.

You were wrong.

A 30,000+ gold item is on the AH and is BIS.

Lets remove the AH.

It’s only 30k gold on bad servers with gold buyers because of GDKPs.

EZ win for me.

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GDKPS dont create gold, the inflation is in your head.

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GDKPs encourage gold buying. Wow you are slow like most gold buyers.

So you don’t use the AH?

It’s not a problem that you can buy 1 or 2 good pieces from AH. You have a lot of gear slots to fill.

Stupid gold buyer logic that this is a problem.

You just trying to justify GDKP where you use the gold you buy.

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Literally everything with gold encourages gold buying lmfao.

Dalaran ring is 8,000, that encourages gold buying.

Raid loggers need raid consumes, that encourages gold buying.

Greatness decks are 30k+ that encourages gold buying.

The 20k gold Mammoth mount encouraged gold buying.

The 16k Motorcycle mount encourages gold buying…

The auction house encourages gold buying lmfao.

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Really it just sounds like you are too lazy to do a handful of dailies.

Nope, mostly just gear from GDKPs.

You are a parse brain so I can’t expect you to understand. It is above your capabilities.

We both are, youre just a grey parser.

Since you have been fully sat down by Mr Asmon I’m gonna just ignore you now especially since your anger has caused you to follow me to every thread.

Just remember what Mr. Asmon said, you are bad because you parse and your achievements don’t matter.

Be mad to someone else. Bye little bro.

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