GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

But proper understanding of the status quo is required before you can criticize it :slight_smile:

So yeah when he makes claims like GDKP is just gold sellers, that says he has no clue and is just whining. So presumably he is simply too lazy to farm gold himself and refuses to join a guild or join any of the other pug raids for reasons he refuses to explain.

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Oh I understand your fragile ego can’t handle being not first on every piece of loot so you buy gold and run GDKPs so you can buy it instead of earning it.


You still refuse to explain why you won’t do any of the many non GDKP pugs.

I do do pugs you fool. Wow gold buyer’s brains are rotted aren’t they.


Okay then, what exactly is your problem? You’re doing your pugs others are doing their pugs with a different loot system.

GDKPs are my problem, I think I’ve been clear.

If you thought GDKPs were going away with the easiest raid content yet, then maybe you should’ve quit playing when they started showing up en masse in original Wrath.

But you refuse to explain why.

Yes they use a different loot system.

I explained why in the first post. Your rotted and diseased gold buyer brain just can’t process normal human dialogue.

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They can’t make gold, and can’t understand how other people afford epic flying without using their credit card.

Everyone buys gold with their credit card to make gold in WOW. It’s pretty well known bro.

Well i certainly hope you never use the AH if you don’t like that.

You can’t get the best gear from AH so who cares.

Again, you have a very bad understanding of the game and how a proper MMO functions. Proper MMOs don’t let you just skip all content and get the best gear by paying for it.

If you want that kind of game, I suggest mobile games. They are more your speed.

How do people who dislike GDKPs misunderstand the status quo?

Once again, refusing to acquiesce to the status quo doesn’t invalidate one’s criticism of it. To say that someone is “too lazy to farm gold” is about as flaccid of an argument in favor of GDKPs as is humanly possible.

You might want to use smaller words so he can follow

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Not liking something about the status quo is different than lying about why it is a problem.

I don’t particularly like HR’s but I don’t lie and say anyone hard reserving is a gold buyer :slight_smile:

Most people in GDKPs are gold buyers though…

Yeah except for the part where they’re not.

Except they are…

Yep and if you consider the amounts most items go as requiring gold buying you are at this point to lazy to even do a couple dailies.