GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

Yeah It was EZ for me.

No the egotistical lil bros who buy gear need professional help.

I get my gear the natural way, through guild or pug runs. I’m not a degenerate loser like they are.


It’s hilarious telling other people they have a fragile ego when you’re bragging about having bis naxx weps and they don’t XD

That’s priceless man. Keep em comin XD

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I got my gear naturally so I can brag. I didn’t pay gold for it like some basement dwelling nerd with no time to play.


Only a basement dweller takes pride in video game pixels XD

Post on the toon with all of that sweet naxx bis gear.

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thanks for the laughs friend, i hope you find your dad!

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So now you want to stalk me because your fragile ego got bruised and you are big mad.

I’m sure your mom’s credit card will get the work out of it’s life this weekend to make up for the sadness you are feeling now.

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No, you literally need help. Time for you to step back and do a self evaluation. Ask your self “why am I so mad? Why do I think everyone else is stupid? Why do I bring up mom’s credit card? Why do I constantly bring up ego?” and so on.

Sounds more like you’re posturing to avoid getting banned for buying gold and doing GDKP runs. Trying the gold… um… good old reversed psychology. It’s not working.

I don’t know you (nor do I want to) but the way you conduct yourself here, you’re worse than they are.

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Nah, you’re just trying to justify the fact that you don’t actually have them. Or else you’d be posting on it since your entire ego is reliant on what kind of gear you have in world of warcraft. XD

I don’t need any help. I got bis NAX weapons.

The lil bros without gear who guy gold to get gear need the help. I feel really bad for them. They are too dumb to realize they are just ruining the game for themselves and making themselves look like huge noobs.

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Not inherently, this is just an assumption on your part, which is why you won’t gain any ground with what you want.

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I have them I’ve posted pictures. You are just jealous and will spend all your real life money (well your mom’s) this weekend to try and catch up to me.

EZ for me.

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I’m not talking about in game. You need real life help.

No I don’t I’m perfectly happy in life since I have BIS NAX weapons and nerds are mad at me cause I called out their degenerate behavior.

It’s like Christmas came early over here.

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The only degenerate behavior is you spending all day trolling here on multiple alts.

I’ve barely been here 1 hr.

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There’s an old saying about “simple minds, simple pleasures” and yet you call others stupid. Go get help.

No, Most people are laughing at your clear state of mental and emotional inadequacy(s). I’m not sure if you’re trolling or have a mental illness.

Garmuck never sleeps.

asmon and that other streamer emboldened him last night featuring this very thread in a video slamming him as a troll. called him out for posting behind his alt and claiming he sucks at the game, so now he feels like hes a celebrity and is taking it up a notch lol.

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You are just mad I’m happy and are trying your hardest to try and upset me. You can’t because you are an amateur and I have BIS NAX weapons and have nerds mad at me cause I pointed out their GDKPs are coping mechanisms and make them look stupid and the game less fun for them.

You are not accomplishing anything except boosting your post count lil bro.

You are very smart.

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Bis naxx weps and still parse like poop. LAWL

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