GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

You’ve never seen my parses so how’d you know? LUL.

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You’re inconsequential to me. The only thing I’m doing is trying to get you to get help (provided that you’re not trolling; which at this point is seemingly exactly what you are doing).

You worry about such trivial things. Enjoy your night with all that “bis” gear, posturing, and feeble trolling attempts.

Ok good then you can stop replying to me with stupid comments then.

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They said he was trash at the game and a loser to be exact


GDKP is plague. This plague feeds from easy content. When the content easily clear-able by PUGs, crap like GDKP will come out. Make the content more difficult and GDKP will go down by 90%.

You know the content is easy if Op is clearing it

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take me off of your gnome mage issues…

you’ve never seen most of what you troll about, and don’t need to see what we all know my man.

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Get out, this game isn’t hard. It’s not about dodging a firewall, it’s about coordinating the time to do so.

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Most guilds can’t even do 3D yet…

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lmao i put a ticket in 2 weeks ago and it finally got answered today. you think they have enough staff to go through all the mail?

gdkps have been around since classic they have not ruined the game but only made it better. they also arent going anywhere.

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Agree in a way. However my general thoughts are if you buy from them, might as well just quit, there’s no point in playing

i know. between the kids homework and the night shift, the firewalls pop out of nowhere.

Its way too late in the inflation to say that people in GDKPs all buy gold dude. Legit players walking around with over 200k. You underestimate how sweaty people are. Naxx items also aren’t going for much compared to TBC items tbh. Really easy to make gold in Wrath, so if people were buying gold on top of that id expect to see items sell for much more. Also the raids are easy, more items drop, barrier to entry is low, so GDKPs are less attractive. GDKP was much worse in TBC.

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I don’t get this frosstfire guy. He hates casuals but he also hates successful players with good parses and also hates people who aren’t poor.

Apparently hes also Garmuck, shilling Dragonflight hardcore, oops I mean Shadowlands 2.0. Too bad that expac is already confirmed sux and no one wants to play it.


That sounds like navel gazing. :wink:

I’m not Garmuck. I embrase poor people cause I’m poor (in game). I don’t mind casuals at all.

Seems like you are projecting cause you are a noob and a salty GDKP running gold buying simpleton.

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I can’t believe Asmongold said you’re trash at the game and you’re a loser.

That’s crazy.

