GDKPs are a full on scam

because thats how gdkp always worked. ppl in tbc invented the pure buyer thing so they could make more rmt gold.

Not true.

The concept of not giving players a cut for different reasons existed all the way back in og wrath gdkps when they first became popular, speaking as someone who ran them back than.

Organizer cuts also happened back than also as a note.

So please educate yourself before making false claims.

In fact I played in a guild for a bit in cata that used gdkp as our go to loot system and when pugs happened we never gave pugs a cut but they could buy any gear they wanted and the guild gave them gold equal to 2x the min bid for comming that they could than use to buy something that run or keep if nothing droped.

i get it u love the free rmt gold i dont care

Obv you do care as your here posting and arguing.

Pure buyers were common in vanilla Classic.

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leave me alone rmt supporters lol

You are the one posting here we are not bothering you. You are the one entering the discusion and placing yourself here.

Also not one person here supported rmt. In fact everyone pritty well outright stated they don’t want it. Gdkp is not rmt and supporting gdkp is not supporting rmt the fact you can’t see the diff makes basicly everything you say nul and void as shows you don’t understand the concepts you are talking about.

The game needs LFR, TBH.

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I truly believe this to be false. Stopping GDKPs would almost certainly and greatly diminish good buying. It is the main way to spend gold on wow to power your character. Sure smaller amounts of gold might be bought for simple things like gems and enchants, but large quantity good buying is most certainly done for GDKPs and it would be foolish to think otherwise. If I am a rogue and I wanted to guarantee warglaves most certainly having a significant amount of gold and running gdkps is how I’d go about it. In that environment people would most definitely feel the need to buy gold to compete. Than that good is distributed in said GDKP and server economy gets hit by inflation.

Wouldent even dent it.

This is not a guess either this has already been proven.

If people don’t have gdkps to spend the gold they just go to a ticket run. Without gdkps these become more common.

In your rogue case you want glaves you buy a ticket for it and go to a ticket run if no gdkps.

So long as master looter exists people will spend gold to buy gear. gdkps are just a fair loot system where everyone get a price of the pie.

Even without master looter so long as people can trade gear people will buy gear. The price only gets higher the harder it is and as such make rmt MORE not less likly.

Without it ticket runs take over and this is worse as now the raid leader can fill the raid tsing people that item is in on res and not spilt the pot as the item was never “sold” blizzard can’t even stop it either really as done over discord and don’t even need to use gold.

Just like on retail gdkps don’t exist but the boost market is quite livly. While yes retail has the token and legal gold selling that’s effectively no different than classic as blizzard dosent ban you for buying gold that is the fundamental issue. Blizzard “allows” you to buy gold via non action and as such compairong retail and classic is quite fair. We in fact see just as much if not MORE boost spam on retail without master looter at all furthermore gdkps.

If anything removing gdkp will INCREASE the amount of rmts happening due to harder to find runs and as such the runs that happen can charge more. This make you need to buy more to get the same. While increasing the odds to be scammed as more likly to see less reputable groups as the gold is not spread out as much to get you as many witnesses.

In all these cases gold is than still spread out adding to inflation. While some of these will spread it less by keeping it on a single person it further makes them want to go and sell gold increasing the amount of rmts yet again.

Anyone that does GDKP‘s perpetuates real money transactions and should be banned on site.

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I sold around 10,000 haste pots all of Tbcc.

I love all the rmt gold I made off the AH, should we also remove that?

Anyone that buys off the AH perpetuates real money transactions and bots and should be banned on site.

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So ruin the gathering for everyone yeah got it what a sound idea

Even if you take away Gdkps people just sell raid slots and funnel gear 1kg for BT cloth funnel etc

GDKP is very fair. Money talks. You can get either items or gold at the end of the run; it’s all win-win. It’s also a great community-building activity where people from different guilds meet after work.

GDKP is a cancerous playstyle for a cancerous playerbase.

I mean, you aren’t wrong. Nobody just buys a stack of cloth for 5k gold…amirite? :joy:

Lmao blizzard is selling you all gold and you’re just eating it up like good little cash cows. I hope gdkp never dies. You’re all so sad :joy:

Your posts are cancerous reading from a cancerous player.