GDKPs are a full on scam

Bring people in, top the meters, let them buy stuff, then kick half of them out claiming they were “pure buyers”. They need to go!


Sounds like you didnt read the fine print


if you joined as a pure buyer thats on you


For all the people that say GDKP was a part of OG classic and TBC. Yes it was true they were “around” but on the fringes and most respecting servers didnt feed them. Just like that weird uncle.

What we have now is a cancerous growth on WoW.

Before the little GDKP heros swoop in saying im a poor player. I just hit 30k gold on my bank toon.

GDKP needs to be added to the TOS as break as it mainly feeds RMT and you are broken in the head if you think it doesnt!


Auction House needs to be against the TOS also.

It has contributed more to rmt and bots than anything else in this game.


The AH issue is the bots that blizzard fail to deal with.

If they dont want to deal with the bots then make the resource worthless by increasing the spawn rate on herbs, ore etc

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How? You join a group that carries you through a raid you can’t normally do. They help you get badges and achievements and a chance at bidding at loot. Not sure how it hurts anything since some guilds do them and some don’t do them. It’s not forced on anyone and back in the day, they use to use eBay to sale that stuff for real money.

I disagree… I feel they are a way for skilled players to make gold. Some people have real scum ways to make gold and exploit people. Farming purples ain’t one tho…

False, the top 3 dps were kicked and no payout because they were DKs so obviously pure buyers. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen it happen. Raid leaders stealing splits with zero recourse. Gdkp is a cancer


Benediction discord GDKPS even pure buyers get a cut.

Don’t do gdkps from LFG chat, join your servers discord.

  • if you don’t get any loot, you get gold
  • if you have gold, you get to bid on an item, and if you contribute to the raid as a carry, you also get gold (this is great way to get gear, making money and spending it on items you want at the same time)

How is that a scam? Are you confusing GDKP with tickets? Ticket runs are not GDKP, and yes they can be scammy.

Keep in mind also that when there’s many GDKP groups, entry fees are lower or non-existent, which is good. I don’t carry GDKPs that have an entry free, because if I’m carrying, I’m not going to pay to carry.

If you don’t think that you have to pay gold for gear, then you’re also thinking that other people are obligated to carry you or raid with you, just so you can get gear. If you expect this, then you just need to find a guild and be a CONTRIBUTING member of their raid to EARN a shot at getting gear over the other people who have been there contributing longer than you.

Would you rather earn a shot at getting loot (can take weeks), or pay some gold to get it faster? Many people value their time more and will go the gold route. There’s multiple ways to get gear. People generally raid in a guild on their main… and then do the GDKPs on their alts. No scam there buddy. It’s all choice.

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What’s a ticket run exactly?

And as per Blizzrd,it is legal to steal the whole pot too


We sold some ZA ticket runs.

You buy a ticket for a set amount, we were selling for 3k and you get all the loot for your spec that drops.

You are basically paying people to take you through the instance and HR everything for you.

If you had bad luck and didn’t get at least 2 pieces we refunded 1k.

This is why you run with reputable leaders. There are discords dedicated to vetting GDKP groups.

Sounds like someone signed up as a buyer and then didn’t even bid on anything.

Or, you joined a GDKP PUG led by someone with a poor rep already.

What is a “pure” buyer?

All these strange terms flying around.

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A ticket run is not a GDKP. A ticket run, you pay a set amount of gold up front to a full raid team, they carry you through, and you get all MS loot that drops. Some offer all loot your class can use. And of course arrangements are sometimes open for the “floor” items (greens, recipes, BoEs, mounts, etc) but there’s no set rule on that side of it.

Your using in game currency as a form of…

in game currency.

gDKPs are not going anywhere. Just because people join random turd ones doesn’t make them bad.


The important thing to remember about GDKPs: no one’s time is wasted in a GDKP unless you don’t contribute to the raid via tanking, dpsing, or healing in an effective manner. If you’re a pure buyer, you’re getting CARRIED through something and the carries are getting paid for their time.