GDKPs are a full on scam

Not giving people a cut is 100% bs without them there is ZERO gold to split. Dont try to justify it.

No its not BS if thats what you agreed to.

If you don’t like it dont join the run. Its only BS it its not know in advance.

half the time they dont. they get kicked at the end of the run. unless you get in on the TOP runs which is rare then you are stuck with this degen BS

Not true at all been doing GDKPS weekly and multi runs at that with diffrent groups constantly and can say not ONCE have I been kicked without getting my cut. So no FAR from half the time.

Further not once did I not know going in if I was likely to get a cut and what I would have to do in order to get that cut if it was unknown. So at the end would be no question on if I earned a cut or not.

ITs when you join non reputable runs that it CAN happen. Those runs don’t keep going for long.

Has nothing to do with being in the TOP runs as most of my runs are FAR from the tops runs

There are entire communitys of reputable runs out there such as staxx. That list TONS of GDKPS that follow there rules to the letter as one valid complaint is all it takes for that raid leader to be blacklisted.

Counting staxx right now they have well over 100 different GDKPS groups that are on there for just the one server its far from just the “TOP” being trustworthy.

If you go as a pure buyer, to spend money, why should you get money back?

Thats exactly how it should work. If your a pure buyer contributing nothing but gold, your not getting gold back lmao.

On the contrary, if you sign up as a carry and your parsing 20s. Your not getting a cut. your not a carry.

parseing 20 in fact can be a carry it really depends on a given runs rules.

Eg ive been takin in as a ehn shaman with low gear as a “carry” in order to bring lust WF ur and all the other big shaman buffs. As the value of having me boosting the big carrys was better than having a geared toon in my slot. I was said as a carry non the less as that was what was agreed in advance. I was only parsing around 55% by ilvl and about 30% overall, where we norm req purple parses to count as a carry.

Why the rules are so important as they definite who is getting paid or not.

While they define if something is BS or not. As if you agree to something it is not BS no matter what it reads so long as it is fairly shown in advance.

OP has yet to post the rules of the run in question really making this entire threat pointless.

I mean what you described is an exception that was discussed before hand.

This seems like a good run!

I mean you’re not on the toon, you don’t post logs…

Seems like a fake thread tbh

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Why does every anti GDKP thread never show logs or proof? I can only wonder why.

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No logs, No rules, No screens of the run, No discord link, No community hub for the GDKP that oversees the other GDKPS in it (most well known reputable GDKPs have this).

Nothing to show any value to his claim. Regardless of how many times hes been asked.

Ya its clearly a fake thread.

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Did your parse yourself into the buyer bracket?

Stay bad stay mad.

I think more likely he was auto in the buyer bracket as he said he mentioned top 3 where dks and don’t get cuts which think he was trying to claim one of those 3 as him.

I know a few GDKPS that have stated in there rules ALL dks are pure buyers till 80 raids. As there not looking for dks to bring power to the run they are looking for dks to buy loot.

If that was written in that runs rules doesn’t matter how he parsed.

This is 100% fair as its stated in advance to the point for some of these runs being posted for weeks BEFORE prepatch even hit.

But once again op would have to post the runs rules.

Cars mainly feed drunk driving should we ban cars? Or should we enforce the actual problem?

This doesn’t make sense literally or figuratively.

Hes saying gdkps are a big way of feeding gold selling (sure it happens but not nearly a main source). Cars are part of drunk driving but you wouldn’t say ban cars because drunk driving is happening in cars you would say stop the drunk driving. So what I’m saying by this is ban gold selling (the drunk driving in the metaphor) not gdkps (cars in the metaphor)

just blacklist gdkps from lfg addon. they are basically just rmters buying loot and the whole pure buyer thing is just fueling even more rmt when people get nothing back after spending gold.

Your analogy is a little messed up though. Cars don’t encourage drunk driving. However, GDKP encourages people (not everyone) to buy gold (because you can effectively buy player power with gold).

If you are going as a pure buyer. Why would you expect to get back the gold you are spending?

Pure buyer or not dosent fuel rmt any more than not having it.

That only changes the prices of things the source of the gold dosent change since prices are more or less. The source being rmt is a issue that is addressed by addressing rmt not gdkp as it’s just as possible to get via other sources.

If rmt is a issue and it is the fix is addressing rmt not banning gdkp just like the fix is not banning the ah. Rmt will exist without gdkp just like gdkp will exist without rmt. To fix rmt you need to address rmt.

In fact rmt is just as heathy in retail wothout gdkp provening without question gdkp is not the source of rmt and to address rmt you have to directly target it.

Either way my point about it still stands. You don’t ban something like gdkps because it may or may not be encouraging rmt/gold sellers.