GDKP > "xxx res" runs

I just run with 2 guilds groups mostly and fill in in other guild groups when theyre looking for more. I just do not trust complete pug groups with master loot and hard lockouts. If they want raiding to be more pug friendly thats 2 things theyll need to adress.

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the game should have personal loot. classic playerbase can’t be trusted

Nah. Personal loot is garbage, to the point Ion even admitted it was a mistake using it as the default loot system.

Group loot with restrictions based on specs in the raid would work fine too. Personnal loot is abusable with class stacking.

well he would know about ruining the game

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Ion says something so that should mean anything? Ion has said a lot of nonsense. Ion also said solo que arenas would be a bad thing and would never happen. Now thay are discussing adding them to cata.

And players at the highest levels would know about what works best for groups and personal loot was not popular amongst those groups.

Loot councils are not bad because collusiom/corruption, the people that are in the council are bad.

GDKP is not bad because of RMT, the people who RMT are bad.

MS>OS isnt bad because people ninja, the ninjas are bad.

If Blizzard actually enforced behavior then none of these systems would be bad.

Its not really about Ions opinion about future systems, its about the fact he had 4 years of feedback and watching it play out and being man enough to admit it was a mistake, which it was.

What would you describe as enforced behaviors? Solutions are rarely that much simple.

Shut up nerd. I didn’t quote you because you aren’t worth my time with your braindead takes and opinions. You proved to me that you’re an idiot thousands of posts ago and I do not care to entertain the mentally deficient.

Congrats, you once again said something dumb and are fishing for more attention to soothe your ego. Here you go. Here is your quoted response so YOU can specially feel good by seeing a nice little blue indicator on your avatar.

Are you really trying to just double down on being an idiot? An actual troglodyte? Of course the highest bidder wins. That’s how it works.

What happens when you don’t win, unlike any other loot system, is you get paid for not winning the item. You make gold in the process. You should, in time, be able to become said highest bidder.

No, you prefer being carried and banking everything on random RNG luck to win items. You do poorly and get items. You’re a leech. You’re a deficit. That’s why you prefer it.

Don’t ever expect a response from me again. This is your one and only in this thread. Anything more in regards to me talking about you, will be just that. You will be manually ignored and just talked about. You’re not important enough to join the conversation.

I tend to do that to low impact players.

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The funniest thing is you still can’t think outside of the box. You’re so down the rabbit hole that you can’t even understand the basic points I’m making. You can’t even handle me at this point which is why you’re trying to dodge me.

You never had a chance to win an item if someone could outbit you from the start.
Getting paid trickle down gold will not let you catchup people that can make that gold way faster. It’s a system that only encourage the the top of the top people that can make gold and buy items uncontested. If you’re on the bottom end you’re just a bottom feeder for those people.

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generic laugh react

(no i didn’t read the post outlining bs about gdkps, something something trickle down despite the cut being almost perfectly even amongst all members, something something loser opinion from someone who doesn’t do gdkps and just watches youtube videos about it.)

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I tend to agree, but it’s not like GDKP runners don’t take a cut. The difference is, that cut is taken equally from everyone in the group. Whereas if someone reserves “Constellus” or whatever, then that’s nothing to the phys DPS but takes away from healers/casters significantly.

If they wanna take the shards or whatever I figure that’s pretty much the same thing as a % cut from GDKP though.

This is not true. Ive only ever brought 1 item from a gdkp. I know the other person could outbid me soundly. I just bid enough that he didn’t want to pay the price.

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Because he wasn’t rich enough. Yes you don’t have to bid your max gold on all bids. But some people could bid your max gold on all bids if they’re rich enough. That’s how bad the difference is when you use gold.

Really, i know he had at least 4x the gold i did.
But back to your statement, my point was that your assertion was false.
Its an auction and all the same bidding strategies are there.

Auctions are still advantaging people that have more. It’s false to say they don’t.

Just gotta say for the sake of saying it that I don’t care if people do GDKPs it’s their time. I care more about master loot being forced for most pugs.

Yes you have less chance to win it, but that isnt what you said.
But that isn’t what you said.

You’re not ALWAYS competing with the whales is the part you miss. But you DO always benefit from their largesse, and by week 3 or so when the whales all have their BIS items they spent 100k on, you can start using the 15k you were getting from running GDKP’s with them on buying those same items for 1/4th the price…