GDKP > "xxx res" runs

reserving is worse than GDKPs.

prove me wrong.


Reserve? Why? There’s no truth in it. No no no… only in the GDKP! I see that now!

Keristrasza, probably.


I don’t have a problem with people reserving stuff, as long as they are upfront in their advertisements.

If you don’t like it, just don’t go.

One of the guilds on my server ran so many pug gruul runs they basically handed 2pc t4 to every crap alt on the server. Yet people gave them a hard time for reserving DST. Just take your free tier and shut up.


Totally fine with guilds reserving stuff if they have more than 50% of the roster. They’ll guarantee often a clear and you already know what they want to reserve so you can decide based on that if you want to join or not.

GDKPs you don’t even know if you’re a carry or buyer when you enter the raid much as you don’t even know if you can win items at all if there is someone with more gold than you. And you have to keep going into GDKPs runs to keep justifying going to GDKPs xd


My guild uses GDKP because we were tired of people whining about loot council decisions. If you want prio on that juicy new item, you gotta pay for it.

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Same. I personally dont like reserving things, but dying curse evaded my shaman for months.

On my lock, Ive only see 2 scales drops and I didnt get them. Ive been running Uld 25 since week 1.

But its getting to the point where my dps is lacking majorly because I dont have decent trickets.

Gdkp = All loot is reserved to the rich players.


u r right :kissing:

Just don’t run with them if they’re reserving an item you need. Lol

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Yep, even loot no one need that sells at starting bid or get DEed. /s


ITT where a bunch of wow players who don’t know anything about gdkps, outside of streamer clickbait videos on YouTube, comment about gdkps. It’s so cool and enlightening seeing one individual say that “you don’t know if you’re a buyer or carry” which is just false, or another say it’s only for the rich to get gear, which is also false.

God I love these threads, the single digit IQ players always out themselves instantly.

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Its entertaining indeed. Theyre like the children that insist they do not like something theyve never tasted.

Parent: here, try these scalloped potatoes

Kid: no those are gross!

You can run your own raid or go play retail with its personal loot vending machines.

Maybe you should stop being a coward because you cant even directly quote me. Afraid Id see that garbage post of yours that like always doesnt mean anything outside of your jaded perspective. You dont need a college degree to understand gdkps.

If you can tell me that you have a fair chance to get an item in a gdkp run when youre not the higgest bider then youre a liar. And many people would probably dip out of a group if they knew they couldnt get some items from the start. Unless youre the biggest whale youre not winning and that is a worse chance at getting loot. Sure you can get gold for your run but then that means you just got paid for your time but you dont even know how much it is from the start. I prefer a fair chance that other systems offer and master loot is anyway a terrible system for pugs which should have been changed.

Apathy hit a nerve :rofl:

At least hes participating. While youre just acting like a bad comedy support role.

I only give effort to those worthy of effort. Learn your place

Youre terrible at this and should retire with your kindegarden friends. Maybe in a couple years you can grow up.

Still trying eh :rofl:

Youre still here? It’s over.