GDKP > "xxx res" runs

You dont really get to dictate anything. The uneducated on the subject can partake in conversations but their opinions will be dismissed 90% of the time

Yes I guess you dont look yourself in the mirror often. Must hurt not knowing how ironic you can be.

Like I said, dismissed, not even read

Maybe next time you can try to discuss rather than just post graffitis on a wall.


Childish to the end

Im not sure i would like a gdkp guild. I like to buy both tank gear and dps gear. I play a lot. I have a lot of gold making alts. I have a lot of money. I dont mind outbidding a dps for dps stuff in a pug when i am tanking, but i would feel uneasy outbidding or jist bidding on dps stuff in the guild.

Even though not getting dps gear is one of my biggest irks of the game. I have no problem being the last to get dps gear after all of our dps doesnt need something that drops. The problem i have with it is that everytime something drops and our normal dps doesnt need it, it just happens to be that we were short on players so we brought a few pugs that get it. Or someone quit and the new guy gets it. I think i would be more at ease if there was a rule like you can only bid main spec for the 1st 4 raidlocks. Then its open bid to all.

It would suck if they reserved something but didn’t tell you up front. If they did tell you and you still joined, well that’s your fault. They make the group they set the rules basically, it’s your choice to join or not.

Yea no loot system is perfect. Just something I learned from experience. Its hard to deal with rewarding older players while trying to make it interesting for new ones.

The reward for the older players is the challenge and experience of having to teach and carry the newer players.

Sure but the problem is you dont always get a return on invesment and some losses are harder to take than others. If youve been trying to get that last item for 20 weeks and someone new snoops in it can feel bad. Also why I think bad luck protection systems should exist… xd But thats another talk.

You are partially correct. But you fail to mention that you have the ability to make your own outcome. You can make more gold than other ppl. U think of gdkp as starting when the first loot drops. It doesnt. It started when you made a choice of how to spend your time before that. Did you even try to make gold or did u just raid log? The guy that actually put in more time than you gets an advantage. That is why i like gdkp. You like getting lucky. Another player puts a lot of effort and time in the game but loses gear over and over to a raid logger like you that keeps getting lucky. If you can tell me that you winning a role is nothing more than luck? You think getting lucky is fair?

I have a lot of gold. But i stop bidding when i know the value of something is being bid to high. Ill wait till the next week. So no the biggest whale does not always win. I run a lot of gdkps on many alts. So when i see a trinket being bid on week after week, when i need it on my alt and it drops, i dont waste gold on it being bid at triple what i know i can get it for if i wait.

Are you capable of doing stuff like that with your lucky roll?

Oh next u will say ppl buy gold. Yeah and that used to be cheating. I dont buy gold and i am more than capable of doing just fine when bidding.

Keep being lazy. Keep getting lucky or losing to other lucky players. Or actually let what u do in game mean something and be rewarded for it.

It doesnt matter how much gold you made before if someone can still outbid you. You have limited attemps to get an item so each opportunity you lose is a big lost, so you would just join another group if you knew from the start.

I consider gdkps comparable to pyramid scams. Sure theres some trickle down but the top ones are the one profiting the most.

You could never be rewarded for it in the same way as other systems also bow dow to some form of rng too.

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then hr are a monarchy

I wouldnt disagree with that xd But yea for me it points out master loot is just not a good system for pugs same as hard raid lockouts.

And stuff like dkps or gdkps should be a flag to say there should be bad luck protection systems for raid loot.

I have no issue with GDKPs or HR runs. I just don’t join runs where something I need is hard rezzed, easy as that.

I hate putting together 25m groups, so if someone is putting in the effort to organize a PUG I don’t mind them getting dibs on a particular piece of gear.

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Your argument is rediculous. You want to know ahead of time hoe much gold each player has so u can know if you will be able yo be the highest bidder? That is rediculous and it doesnt even tell you that. If i go in with 19k and you go in with 10 k. Does thst mean i will outbid you on the item u are willing to bid all 10 k on? NOOOOOOO. When a piece of gear drops and i bid 12 k on it and win and only have 7k left, guess who is going to outbid me whrn the item you want drops? But u wouldnt have even joined if u knew? Just dumb.

What about the lucky roll that you think is so fair? Why are you ok joining without knowing ahead what each persons roll is going to be? Would you join a raid if you knew ahead that u would only roll a 2 on the item you want? No. Durrr. That is rediculous.

With gdkp you at least have a chance to be successful by outworking the other players.

Both are not totally fair. But at least rolling give you a chance that you know the possible outcomes. Youre not disqualified from the start.

Even if you work harder that doesnt mean you can outbid someone. What if they have a guild backing them. Currencies like gold are not a proof of personnal work only.

The trade-off is that you get nothing but badges if nothing drops for you or if you lose rolls in a MS > OS or SR run. In GDKPs you get a cut of the gold pot as a consolation prize.

I don’t GDKP because I’m not geared enough rn to carry and I don’t feel like dumping big gold on ToGC gear, but I see why people like them. There’s nothing wrong with MS > OS roll groups either, it’s all personal preference.

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Prove yourself wrong. You have a brain.

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