GDKP Sucks and there is a propaganda campaign by a select few that says otherwise

ok so we are willing to leave something that causes more damage to the game because its fundamental, so its not really about game integrity at all is it then?

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Simply put, because Blizzard doesn’t moderate the game. You’re asking for access to plutonium knowing there isn’t a nuclear regulatory commission for oversight.

This is why GDKP is bad for the game. Not because the system is wholly without merit. It simply doesn’t fit into the game we have available to us.

i thought i was the one with reading comprehension problems? you guys as you’ve ran out of arguments have

  1. complained about emoticons
  2. went after a guy for having a “sexual name”
  3. now you can’t tell the difference between “was” and “is”

this is some fine forum flailing gentlemen

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in your opinion… the thing is people swiping for the AH are only buying high end items and not interfacing at all with the players just selling or buying some mats. it doesnt cause more damage you just think it does because your someone who thinks they need full bis gear and will spend 1000s of gold on it from the AH. most people will look at those and go why do i need 1 more strength on that piece im good with what i got.

the hyperbole is too much dude.

its nowhere near what you are purposing and its dishonest at best to say that.

yep you defintely have

i didnt complain about emoticons…

Does that guy need to come and mention analogies again?

where did you ever get the idea that swipers only buy 3000g items and don’t buy 10 sappers instead? or 20 mongoose potions? or they have trade skills to buy the mats for 20 mongoose?

Its literally the most popular loot system for PUGs in all other era versions. If you’re going to pretend to be a intellectual at least know what you’re talking about.

It wasn’t even a complaint about emoticons. It was mocking the child that thinks they’re impactful and not stupid.

looks like they are pretty impactful to me, they’ve really rustled you so much that u are still talking about them 10 mins later

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oh im aware i just had to make them aware that they truly do have reading comprehension issues.

yes lets say outrageous “examples” and then not recognize when they are fully out of whack and not grounded in actual reality.

Popularity doesn’t mean quality. It doesn’t mean anything other than use.

Corn syrup is used more than any other sweetener in the US. Does that mean it’s good?

look i’ll teach you

you guys, guys is a plural right? we’re agreed, so i’m not just talking to you

ok, so here we go

? figured it out

This, by the way, is the kind of stuff that makes me assume you’re all 4chan Trump-y kids. You think I’m actually upset that you used emoticons. You’re a child.

Do I really need to explain what an analogy is? Like, is this real life?

uh oh karl marx has arrived

everyone run, he’s gonna be wrong on the internet, he’s going to assume my political affiliation through how owned he gets on a wow forum

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You keep proving my point post after post. It’s kind of funny.

no you dont need to explain.

do i need to explain scale and scope to you in reference to analogies ?

like what is a grounded analogy and what is a fantastical ridiculous analogy?