GDKP Sucks and there is a propaganda campaign by a select few that says otherwise

… riiiight totally not making RMTing worse then it is without GDKP

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I can’t help but read these threads and wonder how any of you made it out of middle school. Nobody can formulate an argument. Nobody can read someone else’s points and respond to them. It’s a bunch of 4chan Trump-y kids that can’t help but bloviate nonsense.

lol rmt wasnt affected nearly as much with or without it.

bots will bot.

you know what makes rmting worse? everything in the game that costs gold

sounds like the mount vendor is getting banned

and people will swipe but when GDKP is involved MORE PEOPLE SWIPE. if this wasn’t the case GDKP would be back but its not.

gotta love the logic of THERES ALREDY RMT SO BRING GDKP BACK. even though it exacerbates the issue and makes it worse…

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Reddit is that way ------->

sure thing there kiddo.

you keep thinking banning gdkp did anything but a small blip on the meter .

Weird admission.

what if we were arguing about an auction house ban and i used the argument

People will swipe but when the AH is involved MORE PEOPLE SWIPE. if this wasn’t the case AH would be back but its not.

Currently, as gdkp is banned, the AH is a massive majority of the rmt, it should be banned on this logic, right? or no?

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because not having the AH effects the entire wow population… know what doesnt effect the entire population? banning GDKP…

IDK, keeping people that “quit” without GDKP out of the game is a pretty good feature for me. On top of the dozens of other reasons GDKPs are bad but you seem to ignore those. Presumably because you can’t read.

big enough for blizzard to keep it that way

ok so banning the ah would make a bigger dent in the rmt scene is what ur saying, i’m smellin what ur cooking

don’t dare be a minority in beardy’s presence, u might get the boot for not being the most popular

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Surely you’re not dumb enough to compare something built into the game with something explicitly against the rules, are you? … Are you?

your correct it would but it would remove something fundamental to the game. GDKP isnt fundamental to the game.

gdkp was legal

how is that “explicitly against the rules”

aren’t you the guy who was mad earlier people couldn’t read other people’s arguments?

:clown_face: :mirror:

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there are a few other reasons . some of which i agree with.

i just dont feel like those reasons constitute a real reason to fully ban a player made loot system that people can run or not run at their own choice.

its just not enough for me to actually feel right in telling people who run their own raid they cant do for reasons.

this right here is how its explicitly against the rules.

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Wow this kid used emoticons. He surely has a point.

Oh right, we’re talking about the effects of RMT and GDKP.

Dang, guess you didn’t have a point at all. Oops.