GDKP Sucks and there is a propaganda campaign by a select few that says otherwise

wait that’s some sort of meme that the kids use, surely you wouldn’t be one of those weirdo kids would you? wow what a kid! man i’m sure glad i’m not a kid, like this kid

did u get that off reddit kid? u one of those karl marx-y types?


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So I do need to explain analogies to you.

It’s about the relationship of the things. Not the plausibility or scale of the comparison. The relationship is the point. That’s what analogies are.

heh go on and ignore my point about grounded vs ridiculous fantastical analogies.

ahh well ill see ya later.

have fun.

That has literally 0 relevance because it doesn’t matter what the subjects of an analogy are. It’s the comparison of the relationship. You literally learn this in 2nd grade.

Thanks for… well at this point it’s much more than doubling down.

Huge cope.
Anyone could use an analogy like this in the opposite direction. It doesn’t mean anything.

Do it, then. Please try actually forming an argument instead of making up majorities, and saying things like “everyone wants GDKP”. Please. Just once. In one thread about the topic. Actually make the case.

Considering you started with “Huge cope.” I already know it’s outside of your ability.

you cant Tranfers, nor launder gold through GDKPs. blizzard has EVERY single action taken on your account, from how many times you typed /dance to how many times you jumped on the fountain , and your telling everyone blizzard cant find the level 1 character trading/mailing 1000g account that doesnt share the same IP/VPN/Computer it was sent from because that person may have went to a gdkp?

Only people who want GDKP back are the ones with a surplus of gold by ill gotten gains wanting to use it for other ill gotten gains so they can spend them minimum amount of time in SoD to be a chad so they can spend their time on another game OR to justify someone buying their gold they have been farming. Take your pick they only fall into two categories while the reasons against GDKP fall under MANY more then that.


This is how you started btw. . .

I know you’re new to this because the benefits have been advocated for ad nauseum. . .
Heres just a few.

Everyone receives something for their time geared or fresh alt.
Makes having ALTs 10x easier to maintain / gear.
Stimulates the economy by dispersing gold.
Self policing community, slackers and trolls are refused cuts / benefits.

They keep the raids fresh and exciting by the very nature of GDKPs

Your pompous pseudointellectual attitude is incredibly off putting. We’re talking about a video game, not politics. Go back to reddit.

What a silly argument. Its an incentive and a method of farming gold. Under that logic why dont you just farm mats to give away or any other silly thing you could come up with. I love this game so I enjoy making gold doing something I enjoy. You just want to poop on people who play different than you, thats fine. Good luck.

Sure took you a long time to type 40 words.

Everyone receiving something isn’t a boon to raiding. It’s a boon to crybabies that can’t play video games because they enjoy them. Everyone “gets” something out of everything in the game, because the game is its own reward. That’s… kind of what video games are about. You know, fun.

Why is rushing through gearing your alt better? Is playing pickup basketball for 5 minutes better than playing for 10 minutes?

Why does the economy need stimulus? Where is the new gold coming from to cause such a stimulus? (We know the answer, I just want you to admit it)

Self policing? Do other loot systems not self police? If I run a DKP guild I have no agency over the run? I abdicate that responsibility and power because I’m not taking gold for the items?

You might not understand this, but everything has politics. Politics is a study of governance. It’s also a colloquial term for the relationships of actions and methods taken by multiple parties. Further, that’s not even the point I was making. It wasn’t a political point. It was a point about your lack of comprehensive and critical thought.

Its a bonus. Your emotional opinion of something doesn’t justify a complete ban of it.

Why is it bad? Its an Alt. . .People don’t have time to main 2-3+ characters.

Zero new gold is created in a GDKP. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you. . .

I’m convinced you’re a troll.

Have a nice day :grinning:

“It’s a bonus, now give it to me I demand it.” Also, there are plenty of reasons to ban GDKPs. The only one needed is Blizzard doesn’t moderate the game. It’s simple sanctions.

Then why do they care about what their gear is? If you don’t have time to play it, you don’t have time to gear it. This is an MMORPG.

You claimed there was a stimulus. That means new gold. You don’t know what stimulus is, do you…

Did you learn what trolling is from your mom? You’re about as close to understanding what trolling is as Oprah in 2008.

So you are against Minorities, like all of them brown yellow and black, or ltgb ones?

Tbh it’s surprising they banned it considering their parent companies of Activision and Microsoft thrive on credit card swipe for virtual goods.

BREAKING NEWS!!! people do crappy things. You’re making an argument about an objectively smaller group doing crappy things while saying your much larger group doing crappy things is okay because of them. Like run them off the server they’re actual people

O I’m sure the bigwigs in Microsoft and Activision would love wow tokens and GDKP but it’s probably one of those things were it’s like the programmers are like yeah it doesn’t work inside that framework because xyz but if you want it to work it will require x amount of time. The integrity of something just doesn’t matter to a company that size people are going to use it no matter what. Activision or microsoft don’t care about the different iterations wow, why would they. It’s 1 price so it’s one product.

gdkp sucks

tho i would like an npc selling gear that i lost on rolling for gold

another options to speed up my character potential since gear get obsolete in short period

How about an item to duplicate a drop if you lost the roll, consumable once per lockout.
pulls out scanning device
Hey can i see that sword you just won.
prints out duplicate sword into your bags