GDKP Sucks and there is a propaganda campaign by a select few that says otherwise

heh thats fine for you to feel that way.

i honestly dont care for gdkps.

never was a big thing that i enjoyed much .

but , im not arrogant enough to believe my opinion should dictate how other people run their raid and lobbying for big blizzard to come and enforce that opinion is sad at best.

also if youre on a public forum trying to argue a point , talking in circles and making points only to backtrack on them when called out isnt a good look.

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Bro, you know thats gold in your pocket for the next run. And now that whale has a piece and i get it cheaper next time.

The gold in gdkps is literally just DKP that works in all gdkp pugs.


I like how he attacked your name when he knows hes losing.

Classic Beardy

You mean like when a corrupt gm gives it to his gf or the 3 friends that all put in a sr to give to their friend? No system is perfect, but at least in my system im farming gold instead of wasting my time.

cause my name is wholly divorced from my actual points and attacking that and not the points is sad.

Its what he does.

He never has any good points, he just talks in circles and loses.

well you are stupid enough to comment saying that I’m dictating how people are running their raids when in reality

already did it

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And the forums are a place for feedback.

So people making gdkp threads are giving feedback.


heh .

arrogance isnt a good look dude.

ahh well gl .

just like naming your character extra sexy?

its a funny name that has gotten lots of laughs.

at least im not for dictating how other people play the game and run their own raids.

lets be real here.

my name vs being a glorified nanny .

think my name wins that one.


I’m not nanny to anyone. just expressing my opinion that GDKP is bad for the game and not an actual fair loot system.

your name however very weird…

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Name one loot system that rewards an over-geared player to show up and help the raid. Or how about a loot system that rewards me when I don’t win loot? Yeah, they don’t exist, except in GDKP.

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yes, because 1 week is all you would have to wait if a guy in a gdkp had 10,000 more gold than you, its the same as a guy having 1 more dkp than you do

lol its interesting that his name has become such a big problem (when he disagrees with you), but diescumdie’s name has never prompted any sort of name discussion, or anyone elses for that matter

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why do you need to be rewarded at that point? if your near or full bis play an alt, raid for the fun of it, or to idk help guildies/friends. sounds like you don’t like the game if you NEED some sort of compensation for running a raid.

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It appears many of the GDKP addicted scammer kids are unfamiliar with DKP systems. Note: Everyone varies DKP to some degree when implementing it for your group. It’s also been wildly successful for 25 years of MMOs.

What isn’t successful is allowing real money to dictate in game behavior.

probably because his is sexual in nature

oh my goodness think of the children

oh wait there aren’t any

oh wait maybe

again talking in circles.

heres your point boiled down and summed up:

any system that isnt equal dibs on loot for those in the raid is a bad system.

you also feel that it is justified for people to tell others how to run their personal raids and are for blizzard doing it and basically cheering it on.

simply put , you dont see the problem with telling others who are not hurting the game or the economy anywhere near people put it up to be how to do their own personal raids with which people are free to join or not …

well its fine . you continue to be a nanny with every post.

if you want that , you have it already.

if not i would reconsider and maybe take a step back.