Gdkp problem here

Yeah, its called being part of a community and recognizing that your time is not more valuable than anyone else’s time. I know that in today’s gamer population, sociopathy, impatience, selfishness, entitlement, etc. run rampant, but is that really who you are?

That being said, I’m just a “Boomer” who emjoys seeing people get gear more than I like getting it myself because its seeing that excitement thats so valuable to me. I can understand, however, there are people who care little for the experience of others and don’t understand that loot in a limited system has time constraints.

I will say that I support gdkp when it is not so grossly impacted by RMT inflation as we have now.

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Whitemane is the same. As long as the buyer is actually buying they still get cuts.

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That has been my experience as well Manure, in fact, most of the ones I’ve been to, and ran, gave cuts to everyone because they were there and were participating. Of course, the expectation that everyone would be participating was stated. No parse requirements however, too much RNG to require that. I remember posting a 97 on Archimonde on my Holy Pally and saying quite simply…“That parse means literally nothing.”…because it doesn’t.

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Its as simple as joining a gdkp that posts the rules of the run before the raid even starts if the rules are posted and your friend does not meet the rules he does not get paid its pretty plain and dry.

and if they post the rules and then change at the end, report them.

One of the GDKPs I go to on my mage pays 500g extra for most dispells on Archi, every since they implemented that we never wiped on Archi

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