GDKP (PayPal Looting) is a toxic gold buyers paradise

No. GDKP is a sick mindset by people who invent a pay to win system in an otherwise pay to win-less

It is exploitative and has become relatively unavoidable

GDKP is a mind virus perpetrated by a small handful of jerks seeking to lock free content behind their own pay wall

All GDKPs should be banned


Rofl, bro you’re actually unhinged.

“Small handful of jerks”

You mean the majority of players on era?

You people are completely delusional


The majority of players arent guild leaders or officers in GDKP guilds.

You are delusional and likely are one of the GDKP jerks


The majority of players willingly participate and enjoy raiding using gdkp because regardless of what drops, everyone involved profits.

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If by profit, you mean sell gold and then take it back for raid gear

Yes. A literal irl profit from running people through dungeons

You are one of the gdkp scum that need banned. JSing

It the toxic trash like you that have ruined raiding culture on Whitemane.

“Just take my purchased gold and shut up”


Actually schitzo lol

Be careful man, if you keep digging deeper the gdkp shadow cabal might take you out.
The powers that be are watching :eye:



Im already blocked by most of Dawn, as well as Watch Me Roll This Blunt

My plan?

Start Heals For Hire and charge GDKP raid an upfront if they cant fill healer slots.

Just have to out mafia the mafia


Good luck with that

Hilarious that you’re blacklisted by the bottom of the barrel guilds on whitemane already, not even the most desperate groups want you :rofl:

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Yeah… When you whisper people telling them they are trash for running GDKPs you get blacklisted quick

I spent a few weeks in trade and LFG specifically getting people not to fill GDKP raids

So why not just use regular DKP. Or why can’t Blizzard add an official DKP so it works with PUGs.

People still use DKP on p99 everquest; the server has been fully progressed for like 10 years.

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And you call US the toxic ones :rofl::rofl::rofl:

People minding their own business and you’re going out of your way to send them hate messages


They use GDKP because they are making IRL money

They sell them gold from alt accounts and then take them into raids to make it back.

It’s literally a toxic feed back loop that has crushed raiding on Whitemane


Im sure Dawn makes tons of money selling gold to their raiders while whiping in MC for 4 hours

Well yeah if someone actually suggests an official Blizzard DKP system wouldn’t be preferable to GDKP they are basically admitting to RMT. Lol

I think at this point a lot of people don’t even know what DKP is.


Dkp doesn’t buy consumables/mounts/crafting mats/respecs, ect.

Nothing stopping blizz from putting a DKP-to-consume vendor in the game. You RMT and you don’t want to stop.

Edit: And I’ll add, they could even make it so that you could “sell” DKP for gold (to a vendor, not other players). The problem isn’t getting gold for raiding, it’s getting gear for gold - or any other currency/trade that is not earned strictly through raiding.


Preach Brother!

Ive never RMTed in wow before in my life, not even in retail with wow tokens when i played in legion/bfa

You never need to if you actually play the game at a competent level.

But you’ll choose not to believe me, i dont care, the opinions of delusional crybabys on the forums are meaningless to me

Well, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you just didn’t understand that Official Blizz DKP would just be all the features you say are good about GDKP without the ability to RMT. So it’s something you should be in favor of. It would be your ideal raiding system.

Your halfbaked official dkp system sounds good until you actually think about it for more than a minute.

If they made a way to use official dkp to pay for consumables/ respecs/ mats/ ect. It will just end up as way to “wash” RMT gold anyway, OR the cost of conversions to goods would be so bad you would never actually use it for that stuff.