GDKP (PayPal Looting) is a toxic gold buyers paradise

Please get your rage and flames out on me now.

The hope of this thread is to convince you that GDKP is bad.

I recently hit 60 as a Whitemane Horde player, and I was shocked to find there are no serious progression guilds on the server.

Ive tried to join multiple low end raiding guilds, but every single one of them uses or just started to use GDKP. I have determined that GDKP is a toxic system that has destroyed any hope of new high-end raid guilds from forming.

I refuse to raid with GDKP, and I will explain why!

  1. GDKP should simply be called “PayPal Looting”. It is promoted by the abundance of gold sellers/buyers and has turned low end raiding into a “Pay to Win” system, rather then a system that rewards/values contributions of guild members.

DKP, historically, has been a system of earned value within a specific guild to reward players who help progress through content.

GDKP, while the name sounds nice, in reality it is not a DKP system at all.

Many people scoff at Booster Mages that spam constantly, because the blatant nature of gold buying that supports them.

Why is GDKP seen differently by the community when a raid leader spams it?

  1. The effects of GDKP can be felt by fresh 60 players looking to join a progression guild, because there are none (at least on the Whitemane PvP cluster).

GDKP has created a situation where the majority of players are PUGs and not many guilds have even made it to MC, let alone AQ40.

After 3 years of classic, and max gold SoM character copying, players simply open their wallets to get gear. Leaching off of low end raid guilds and using $$$ to supplement progression. There is no incentive left for players to stay with a guild for any amount of time once they reach 9% hit and 600 dps.

GDKP has created a system where no smaller guilds are able to maintain the appropriate amount of players to be able to reach MC. Players simply buy gold (which is against the ToS) to get there slot in the one or two 15/15 naxx guilds.

  1. Gold buying has corrupted every aspect of Classic 60, and it is completely out in the open. Booster Mages and GDKP raid leaders should be seen one in the same.

Moral of the Story;
The only people who support GDKP are gold buyer, gold sellers, and the cucks that fill the raids.


TBH, I was debating on leveling a mage or druid next and, considering how awful the AH prices are due to the staggering amount of gold farmed over time going around, I am thinking of rolling a Mage and just farm dungeons for gold.

It’s not horrifically inflated, but 1 fadeleaf is almost a gold. Holy moly.

This… annoys me. Sure there are gold sellers and buyers, but I am sick and tired of people pointing the finger at every player that has more gold than them. If you Clastic had been doing GDKPs since Classic launched you would now have a massive mountain of gold. If you had devoted yourself to farming instances since classic launched, you would now have a massive mountain of gold. If you had devoted yourself to buying and selling on the AH since Classic came out… you guessed it… you would now be sitting on a massive pile of gold.

I’m sick and tired of every gold poor player assuming that everyone got their gold from gold sellers. If you spent as much time earning gold as you spend playing the victim on the forums you would be rich.


yeah the problem is overblown
and i highly doubt MC gear is going for like 500,000g each or something
you can gear up just fine using gdkp :expressionless:

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Gold buying guild hopper detected!

GDKP is literally a virus that players will need to work together to stop.


I’d say if the threshold to get into these GDKP runs is too rich, then it likely can exacerbate gold buying.

However, I’d also say start your own runs. You mentioned you just got to 60, then you have to crawl before you can walk. I’m sure there’s plenty willing to go especially if you start it out for novices.

When one player assigns a dollar value to an item verse a player who assigns an effort value to the same item, the gold buyer will always win.


people complain about bots farming gold,gold buying, irl trading all this stuff. a huge problem on why there is so much in the game is b/c of gdkp. blizzard needs to ban gdkp’s and the problem with gold buying would be 90% fixed (in mass amounts) the little stuff here and there for auction house boes is w/e i dont care and its sucha small amount it doesnt matter. but hundreds of thousand of gold is being bought just for gdkp’s alone, that is a huge problem. banning the style of play would fix it


Really liked that name “Paypal looting” good one.


If I had to bet on which one of us was inclined to buy gold, I would bet the farm on you. I have no problem putting in the work to get my gold, it’s always the people that complain about everyone else having gold that end up buying it.

wait you can BUY gold?

wow i’ve wasted so much time

Tell me there isn’t a problem after watching this


I agree that GDKP sucks and is typical made for gold buyers. But I also want to say that it’s very end of the phase. Most of the progression guilds are geared af and are looking for ways to mass gold for the next phase since we’ll need gems, enchants, recipes, etc. GDKP carriers didnt get that way from GDKP typically, they worked there way up there and are now using their gear to get gold outside of monotonous daily quests or buying gold themselves.

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Bots and gold selling are a problem, never said they weren’t. GDKPs are not a problem. If you don’t like them, don’t join them. Join a guild. If “there are no guilds” as some have claimed, make one. If you don’t want to make a guild, join a pug. If there are no pugs, make a pug. If the community is as sick of GDKPs as the complainers make it out to be, your pugs will fill up in seconds.

I’m tired of people complaining about GDKP’s like they are some kind of WoW boogieman. Quit moaning and play the game.


GDKP is a cancerous playstyle for a cancerous playerbase.


Making gold in classic was always extremely easy and there never was any reason to buy gold, this didn’t change in TBC or Wrath as gold has gotten even easier to make. Gold sellers/buyers also have likely nothing to do with why you’re not finding non GDKP raids.

The reason nobody is raiding anymore is they have completed the content multiple times over, and there just aren’t many real raiding guilds left in era, while a fresh server could change this temporarily, ultimately the same problem will occur on a new server. People clear the content on progression, then they continue to clear the content and eventually reach a point where there is no reason for them to go back. So how do raids get people to come when they are completely disinterested? They make it worth their while by making the raids GDKP, where they can maybe get a few hundred gold for their time.

The funny thing is unless the GDKP runs are so different from the ones I have been in, in most cases very few people want a lot of the gear so most of it should go pretty cheap, usually for the minimum bid with the exception of a few hard to get items, in fact usually unless nobody is buying anything you could probably grab an item and have it get covered for by the gold you make doing the GDKP run, unless they have rules about carries not getting a full share, but then again if your falling so short of the minimums, you can’t really complain to much.

By the way, some of the most fun raids I have been in were GDKP raids, as sometimes the bidding wars on essentially useless items can be hysterical, especially where the same item sold might have gone for a fraction of the price the previous week.

Also, never bought gold, never needed to buy gold, and I easily have more than I can ever use.

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There are real guilds just that they’re drowned in GDKP trash.

Before Era became popular again there were some guilds on both factions playing, now all you can see in LFG is trashpile Gold DKP coiners who’re doing it for who knows what actual reason.


It’s not a boogeyman

You are a simp for gold buyers


I cant even call them simps… they’re not even players.

They’re payers.